008 | ❝ PSYHI ❞

830 29 2

psyhi (n.)


- comes from an ancient greek verb and means 'spirit' or 'soul'.

[ - ㊕๑.✶✧. ⊹ᝰ. ]

the, already fuzzy, image and scenario she's in started fuzzing away as the darkness of her covered room filled her vision

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the, already fuzzy, image and scenario she's in started fuzzing away as the darkness of her covered room filled her vision.

her eyes opened, sight meeting the pillow she slept in. the pillow that she also had her face smudged in as she slept.

"fucking hell," she lowly whispered to herself, reaching up to rub her eyes.

she turned her head and layed flat on the bed, letting her eyes adjust to being open.

her moment of peace was suddenly disrupted by a voice with a thick new york accent coming from her open phone. "emmanuel, get up, ya' lil' fuck! it's 1pm!"

crimsyn looked to her left, tilting her head a little lower, seeing the facetime screen on her phone with tina's contact on the screen.

she groaned, "shut the fuck up, tina" her tired and hoarse voice, still drunk on sleep, answered the other girl on the other line. "anyways, good morning i guess"

tina laughed, "right back at ya', em".

crim groaned for what felt like the millionth time since she woke up, "i'm tired, i'on wanna get up" they said, dragging out the last word.

"you're just lazy and sleepy-"


"get up and be productive, sweets! ya' got a full day ahead o' you" tina said, lowering her voice and cutting out the jokes for a bit, "go and play some mario kart music or play that playlist i found,"

emir groaned again, "fine," she tiredly sat up and slumped her shoulders, "talk to you later, asshole"

"love ya' too, my asshat"

"your asshat?"

"yea, you're mine now, fuck face"

"kinda gay, not gonna lie"

"i'm replacin' dixie damelio"

"you wouldn't"

"i will! watch me" tina's playful tone of voice was the last thing she heard before the sound of the call ending entered her hearing.

crim laughed to herself, letting the phone fall on the mattress, 'what a great way to start the day'.



james created a group.

charli named the group: SISTER SPOOKY COLLAB.


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