009 | ❝ ELEFTHERIA ❞

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eleftheria (n.)
- freedom; liberty.

[ — ㊕๑.✶✧. ⊹ᝰ. ]



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"dude, just go chat! its not that hard!" sapnap encouraged the dirty blonde floridian on the discord call.

dream groaned loudly, "fuck you, hell no!"


"FINE! IM GONNA DO IT" the blonde said, opening the chat on estre's stream (that he was already watching 30 mins. prior to this event), and typing.

once he was satisfied with the response, he sent it to the chat.

dreamwastaken: hello again ms. noir

he chuckled to himself at the small twitter inside joke, and typed out another message to the chat.

dreamwastaken: dont worry, im not here to cancel you again

satisfied with his own words, he sent it. he watched as the chat erupted into chaos and estre stop in the middle of her profanity filled sentence once she looked at the mess that is her twitch chat.

we all know how this came about.


"are you sure it's completely safe, though? because, i dont want to- y'know, make sure i wont get like, cancelled or anything for going to LA?" crim nervously asked for the 100th time, phone to her ear.

she heard the person on the other line laugh light heartedly, "yes, we are very safe in here. i wouldn't want my bestfriends catching miss 'rona," james laughed again, "and if you do get cancelled, then just know i have your back and i will defend you, okay estre?" he continued, soothing the girl on the phone.

"okay, okay.." the girl laughed softly, a slight weight lifted from her shoulders. "thanks for that. so i'll fly in in about 4 days?"

"in 4 days"

"okay! okay! four days. understood, james charles."

"good to hear, miss estre. goodbye! see you soon! love you, sister!"

crim laughs genuinely, "see you soon, james! love ya' too!" they said, as she heard the sound of when the call ends.


"why are ya' still nervous? it's gonna be fine, sweetheart!" tina, who crimsyn was once again on a video call with, reassured her still spiking nerves.

"but- but- you've seen what they do to like, charli, nikita dragun, nessa, and et cetera! what if i end up like them and go on tik tok room or something?" she exasperatedly stated, still conflicted on the idea of flying to los angeles to film a 7-video collab with her friends, despite having already bought a ticket.

𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐄𝐓𝐇; it's you. | dreamwastakenWhere stories live. Discover now