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Aqua.lad "Raquel, you are the most thoughtful, kind, caring, loving, talented, beautiful woman I know. I think about you before I go to bed, you're my reason to wake up in the morning. I love you with all my heart, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

Go to her page to find out her answer.

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fastest_boy_alive- oh poo you're no fun Kal

       ↳ fastest_boy_alive- also loved the speech

flying_grayson- dude! I wanna know now

boy.of.steel- Raquel hasn't posted it yet!

Impulse- I wanna know, I wanna know, I wanna know

Arty-Archer- omg it's so pretty there

magic.girl- wut did she say????

white_martian- if she said yes then I'm gonna cry!!

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