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flying_grayson We'll laugh about this someday @Arty-Archer

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Arty-Archer- Haha.... I'm still pissed off!! How could u not tell me??!!! 😡😡🤬🤬 I thought we were friends.

      flying_grayson- we are friends but it just Bruce wanted to keep it a secret!

       ↳ random user- did I miss something  important in this convo?

       ↳ Arty-Archer- Yes!!

       ↳ flying_grayson- Yes!

       ↳ fastest_boy_alive- ookaaayyyy.... moving on! 'Mis you look so cute in that pic

       ↳ Arty-Archer- Not now, Wally!! I'm busy chewing out UR best friend!!

       ↳ fastest_boy_alive- Hey! It's not my fault he forgot to put on shades before taking the picture!

       ↳ flying_grayson- Dude! Ur the one who took the picture in the first place!!! Why didn't you remind me????

       ↳ fastest_boy_alive- cause u told me to take the picture before u died!!! U said and I quote: 'Wally, dude just taking the f*ucking picture before I die!!' End quote.

       ↳ random user- i don't know what's going on... but i'm very entertained rn lol

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