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boy.of.steel Boy or Girl? Single or Twins? What do you think?

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flying_grayson- boy

magic.girl- girl

aqua.lad- boys and twins

rocket_shield- girl twins!!!

CSWondergirl- one boy and one girl!!!!

red.rob- a girl

Arty-Archer- baby girl!!

fastest_boy_alive- wrong!

fastest_boy_alive- its a baby boy!!

Impulse- i already know!!!

       ↳ white_martian- shhhhh dont say anything Bart!!

       ↳ Impulse- ok i wont

blu3b33tl3- baby niño

green.boy- boy so i can have a nephew!!

       ↳ green.boy- when will we know??

       ↳ boy.of.steel- tonight!

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