TID Truth or Dare

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Will, Jem, Tessa, Cecily, Gabriel, Gideon and Sophie in the library of the London Institute.

Will: What's this game called again?

Tessa: Truth or Dare, Will. It's really not all too difficult.  

Gabriel: Remind me why we're playing mundy games on a perfectly good Saturday evening again?

Gideon: We could be throwing knives. 

Will: Or plotting the demise of ducks. 

Gabriel: *thoughtfully* Or throwing knives at ducks. 

Sophie: Oh will all of you lighten up a little, you're much to tense. 

Tessa: We are doing this because it will be fun. Just give it a shot, would you?

Jem: For the record, I think it's a wonderful idea. 

Will: Okay Tess, but only because I love you. 

Gabriel: Uck, guys really?

Will and Tessa: Sorry. 

Cecily: Can we just get started already?

They start the game.

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