The Violin

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Gideon: ... Truth or dare?

Jem: Tru-

Will: *Glaring intensely at his parabati* *Whispers dramatically* You will not back down from a challenge.

Jem: Uhm, I guess I'm choosing dare?

Will: *Nod of pride*

Gideon: I really thought you were going to pick truth, let me think for a second.

*One second passes*

Will: Okay It's been a second, what do you have?

Sophie: You know, most people don't mean a literal second when they say that, Will.

Cecily: How am I related to you?

Gideon: Okay, go get your violin and play us a song.

Gabriel: I think the dares are supposed to be just a little more interesting than that, brother.

Tessa: I think playing a song would be lovely Jem!

Will: I must admit, I do appreciate your music. Even if it's not as exciting as jumping off of the highest bookshelf and doing a backflip.

Sophie: I'm sorry, doing what?

Cecily: Honestly, are we sure that we have the same parents?

Jem: *Returning with his violin, though only Tessa noted his absence* What would you like to hear Gideon?

Gideon: Something with, passion.

Gabriel: *In a mocking tone* Passion.

Sophie: I think that whatever you play will be wonderful.

Jem: Okay. Well, this one I actually wrote for Will.

Will: *Surprised and blushing* You wrote a song, for me?

Jem: Of course, you're my parabati, my brother.

Tessa: This will be incredible! Go on Jem.

*Jem starts to play on his violin, moving the bow back in forth in elegant strokes creating a symphony of music*

Will: *Trying not to cry and wiping a tear from his face* That was beautiful Jem.

Jem: You really think so? It wasn't completely finished and it could use a bit more practice but-

*Will rushed over to Jem and the two embrace*

Sophie: That was truly magnificent Jem.

Tessa: It really was.

Cecily: I agree.

Gideon: Good luck to whoever's next, not sure if that performance can be topped.

Gabriel: We shall see.

Jem: Okay, I guess it's my turn to pick someone. Cecily...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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