The Incident of Scones

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Tessa: Because all of you are being so sour, I'll go first. 

Will: *Under his breath* I am not being sour. 

Tessa: *Pauses and looks at Will* I heard that dear. 

Will: Sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you later?

Gideon: Oh my goodness. 

Jem and Sophie: *laughing quietly*

Tessa:  *Coughs to get their attention* As I was saying, Gideon, Truth or Dare?

Gideon: Truth, I guess. 

Tessa: What was the craziest thing you've done for love?

Gideon: *Blushing intensely*. Well, there was this one incident with, uhm, a couple of uh, scones were involved and uh-

Sophie: What my dear Gideon is trying to say is that for quite a few consecutive weeks, he had me lug Bridgets freshly baked scones up flights of stairs just so he could see me.  

Jem: Aw, that's actually really sweet. 

Gideon: *Quietly* She's not done. 

Sophie: No I most certainly am not. My dearest Gideon, he thought it would be an incredibly bright idea to ask for these scones despite the fact that he hated them. 

Will: Wait, If he hated them then what did he do with weeks worth of scones?

Gabriel: This is the good part. 

Sophie: He then proceeded to hide the scones, under his bed. Mark my words it almost led to an infestation of mice!

Cecily: *Trying not to laugh* It could have been worse I guess. 

Gabriel: *Also attempting, and failing, to contain his laughter* Yeah, it could have been ducks. 

Will: *Stare of Death*

Laughter dies down

Tessa: But it wasn't to no avail, I mean, look at the two of you now.

Sophie: I'm sure that our relationship wasn't entirely dependent on pounds upon pounds of freshly baked goods. 

Gideon: Perhaps it wasn't, love, but it will make quite a story to tell our children in the future. 

Sophie: *Blushes and smiles*

Cecily: That it will. 

Gideon: Alright, who should I ask next?  How about you Jem...

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