Chapter Twenty-One

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A/n: This chapter is about Vic and Lucas, and Andy and Robert won't be in it at all.

Vic's pov
After a while, Lucas and I left so Andy and Sullivan could get some rest as they were still healing from their surgeries. Lucas was dropping me off at my place, and when we got there, I decided to invite him in. It was probably a bad idea, why would he want to spend anymore time than necessary with his subordinate? But I decided to ask anyway.
"Um, do you want to come in for a bit? For a coffee or something?" I asked nervously.
"Sure, that would be nice," Lucas said, and I smiled. I hadn't been expecting him to say yes, but I was glad that he did. He parked the car, and then we walked up the stairs to my apartment. As we went in, I could see Lucas taking the room in. "Nice place you've got here," he said, and I thanked him. I went into the kitchen to make us both coffee, and Lucas sat on the couch to wait for me. When I had made them, I carried the two cups into the living room and passed one to him. A few moments later we heard the sound of very heavy rain on the windows, and even thunder in the distance.
Quickly, I turned on the tv and switched the channel to the news. Sure enough, they announced that there was a storm, and that nobody should be travelling or going outside until it has passed. "Looks like we're stuck with each other then," Lucas laughed and I slapped his arm playfully.
"Aww come on, it can't be that bad," I laughed.
"You're right it could be fun," he said, but a few seconds later the power went out. We sat in the dark for a moment before I spoke up, "Um, I'm going to go and get some candles or torches or something."
"Okay, do you want me to get anything?" Lucas asked. I thought for a moment.
"Hm I think there's some matches in the kitchen, bottom drawer by the fridge," I told him. Everything was so quiet that we could hear the sofa creaking as we both stood up. I started to walk to my bedroom where I knew I had some candles, when I bumped into Lucas.
"Oh! Sorry," I said, before realising how close we were stood. He had his hands on my arms to stop me from falling, and even in the dark, I could feel his eyes on mine. Before I knew what I was doing, I stood on my tiptoes and started kissing him. It didn't take long for him to start kissing me back, and soon we were stumbling through the dark, making our way towards my bedroom.
*time jump to the next morning, still Vic's pov*
I woke up with someone's arm draped across me. At first I was confused, it took me a few moments to remember what had happened last night. However when I did remember, a smile spread across my face. I glanced over to see the one and only Lucas Ripley laid beside me. We were both naked, my duvet covering us slightly. His arm that wasn't draped across my stomach was under him, but his fingers were lightly touching my shoulder. After a couple of minutes, Lucas started to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he smiled when he saw me.
"Morning beautiful," he said sleepily.
"Good morning," I said, smirking.
"You know, this is a very nice way to wake up," he said and I nodded.
"Mm it is, isn't it? I wish I could wake up like this every day," I whispered.
"Me too," he said before pressing a kiss on my lips.
"Do you want any breakfast?" I asked.
"Mmm how about dessert before breakfast?" He suggested, kissing my neck.
"Well I couldn't say no to that," I laughed, kissing him back. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted my phone lighting up on the bed stand.
"Lucas what time is it?" I asked panicking. I reached over and grabbed my phone to see tons of missed calls and messages from everyone at the station. They were all asking me where I was and why I was late, and telling me that Ripley didn't turn up either. Which I already knew, of course. "Oh my god I forgot to put my alarm on! We're so late!" I said, jumping out of bed. Lucas also got up and we both threw on some clothes. We were out of my apartment and in his car within three minutes.
I'd left my car at the station last night when we went to see Andy and Sullivan, so I was riding with Lucas.
"How are we supposed to explain both of being late and turning up together?" he asked.
After thinking for a second, I replied, "Just say we went to visit Sullivan and Herrera and got stuck there because of the storm."
"Okay should I be concerned at how quickly you came up with such a good excuse?" He joked and I laughed along with him.
Soon enough we pulled up to the station and walked in. Lucas went to his office and I started to walk up to the beanery. However before I even got to the stairs, I felt a hand grabbing my wrist and pulling me back into a closet.
"Travis! You can't just sneak up on me like that!" I exclaimed, knowing who it was without even having to look.
"Mm well you can't turn up an hour and a half late for work, at the exact same time as Ripley, who was also late, and not tell me why," he said, looking at me expectantly.
"We went to see Andy and Sullivan and got stuck there because of the storm," I lied.
"The storm cleared hours ago," Travis insisted.
"Yeah well we didn't realise the time," I said, and that wasn't exactly a lie.
"Right, okay then," he said, looking at me sceptically. I was pretty sure he didn't believe me but he didn't say anything else, so I walked out and into the beanery.
"Morning!" I said cheerfully as I walked in.
"You're in an oddly good mood for someone who is an hour and a half late for work," Dean commented and I glared at him.
"Yeah where were you anyway? Oh and Ripley's late too, we're you with him? Jack asked. At that moment Lucas walked in behind me, smiling at everyone.
"Morning 19!" He said, just as cheerful as I was a few moments before. There were echoes of everyone saying good morning.
"We were just asking Hughes where she was all morning," Jack said, and all eyes turned to me.
I was about to answer, but Lucas spoke up first,  "We went to see Sullivan and Herrera last night, and got stuck there with the storm. We didn't realise the time this morning, which is why we're late."
"Oh so it's true they really are living together then," Maya said snarkily and I turned to glare at her. She was being so horrible and not like herself recently, and I had no clue what was going on with her.
"No, we all just went to Sullivan's to hang out, Andy's staying at some apartment she's renting," I lied. I know Sullivan had said something yesterday when he was trying to calm down Andy down, something about getting her home, but nobody seems to remember, which is good.
And I wasn't completely lying anyway, they weren't living together, just staying together this week. Although I doubt Andy will want to go back to Maya's, so she could end up moving in with him permanently, or staying at mine.
Thankfully, the rest of the day went by quickly, with only a few calls, and nothing big. That night, Lucas came over and stayed the night again. I don't  know what this thing between us is, but I do know that I like it.

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