Chapter Thirteen

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Vic's pov
"30 year old female, crush injuries to the abdomen, deep lacerations to the head and lower leg, arrested once on scene."
We ran into the hospital with Andy on the stretcher. Dr Grey and Dr Altman had met us in the ambulance bay and were starting to assess Andy's injuries as we moved. When we got inside the ED, a nurse pulled us aside and told us that we had to let the doctors do their job now. I stepped back, my head spinning. One of my best friends was in the hospital, and she could be dying. She's already crashed once, there was nothing saying it wouldn't happen again. I stood in the entrance to the hospital for a few moments before I was pulled out of the was by Maya. A few seconds later Ripley and Ben came rushing through the doors.
"44 year old male, left leg suspected to be broken, oh and he has a shard of glass in his chest," Ripley stuttered, unable to speak properly. I looked up to see him stood helplessly by the doors, tears rolling down his cheeks, just as I had been not long before. I knew from what Andy had told me that him and Sullivan were close, so this must be affecting him as much as it is us. Before I knew what I was doing, I walked over to him, and put my hand on his arm once again.
"Chief, are you okay?" I asked, even though I knew it was a stupid question. Of course he's not okay, his best friend is injured!
"Um... yeah I'll be fine..." he muttered, and I'm pretty sure than he knew that I knew that he was lying. After a few moments of silence, I took his hand in mine and guided him to the waiting room. To be honest, I'm surprised he let me. For one, he's my boss. And also, he's usually quite closed off from everyone, he never really shows his emotions, or even talks to us that much. When we reached the waiting room, we sat in a corner away from all of the other people there. The rest of the team wasn't here yet, but they'll probably be arriving soon.
We both sat there, comforting each other, and at that moment it felt more like he was my friend than my boss. Never mind, that's stupid, we just both understand how the other is feeling. A few seconds later Dr Grey walked over to us, and Ripley stood up straight away.
"How are they? Are they alright?" He asked, the fear and concern evident in his voice. I stood up next to him, and realised that we were still holding hands. Rather than thinking about that, I looked at Dr Grey, waiting for her to say something.
"Well they are both in surgery now. Sullivan has had the glass removed, and in respect to that, he is fine, but his surgery is for his leg. Dr Lincoln will update you soon, but it is a routine surgery so he should be alright, barring any complications," she explained. Ripley nodded, as he breathed a sigh of relief. Then Dr Grey turned slightly towards me, but still talking to the both of us. "Herrera is in a more critical condition. She has stitches on her head and leg, there was no problems with that. However, she is now in surgery for the crush injuries to her abdomen. We still haven't removed the ceiling panel as we wanted to do it in the OR. That way we will be able to control the bleeding quicker. Hers is a more risky surgery, but either Dr Bailey or myself will update you as soon as we know anything else. Do you know if either of them has any family we could call?" She asked.
"Andy's got her dad, and all of us at 19 are like family," I said, my voice shaking.
"Ok, her dad is already on his way, and so is the rest of your team, I've had a call about that. What about Sullivan? Anyone except the team?" Dr Grey asked Ripley.
"Um... not really. He lost both of his parents and the rest of his family is either dead or he doesn't talk to them. Um... I'm his best friend... Probably the closet thing he has to family. Or if this was a few years ago, or maybe they've made up now, it would be Herrera, but obviously she can't make any decisions or anything for him," Ripley muttered. As soon as Dr Grey left to help with Andy's surgery, I broke down in tears. I couldn't help it, I just couldn't hold it in anymore. Andy was one of my best friends, I couldn't lose her, and neither could anyone else at 19, Sullivan included. As I cried, I heard Ripley talking to me, "Hey, hey, look at me." I looked up at him slowly. When he saw how upset I was he sat back down, and pulled me into a hug. "Come here. Come on, take a deep breath. In, and out. I've got you," he comforted me. After a few seconds, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him back. And at that moment, it didn't matter that he was my boss, I felt safe.
We stayed like that until the rest of the team came rushing in. Dr Grey had told Maya and Ben what she told us, and they were at the entrance of the hospital, waiting for the rest of the team. So whilst they were telling everyone else what had happened, Ripley stood up and helped me up too. He then looked at me, and wiped my tears away with his thumb, before pulling me into a hug once again.
"Thank you Chief," I said quietly.
"You can call me Lucas," he said.
"Okay, you can call me Vic then," I said, and he nodded. As we went and joined the rest of the team, I saw Dr Grey, Dr Bailey and Dr Lincoln walking towards us.

A/n: Yes I know this was chapter was more Vicley than Surrera and also I'm sorry for taking so long to update 🙈

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