Chapter Two

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A/N: Part of this chapter is going to be part of the Andy and Robert's history. It might not be that good, I've never written anything like this before, but I hope you all like it! Just for context, Maya and Andy didn't go to the same fire academy in this fanfic, and Robert had been an instructor at Andy's fire academy, rather than Jack and Dean's.

*A few years ago, when Andy was in her last couple of weeks at the fire academy*
Robert's Pov
I knew I shouldn't of done it. I knew that Andy would be mad. I knew it was a mistake. But I did it anyway. And that cost me the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life.
Although I knew Andy would be mad, I didn't think she would be this mad, but to be honest, I don't blame her. If the tables were turned, and she had done what I did, I would be just as mad. I just hope that she forgives me eventually.

Andy's pov
I couldn't believe what Robert had done. I was mad at him, really mad, and I didn't know if I could ever forgive him. Of course, I wanted to, more than anything, but it wasn't that simple. I still loved Robert. I still loved him more than anyone else in the world, and I sure as hell didn't want to lose him. But it's too late for that now.
I guess both of us were to blame. Him, for what he did, and me for the way I reacted. I was still mad at him, but more than anything, I just missed him. It had been two weeks now, and we still hadn't talked. We couldn't talk at the academy, we weren't allowed, not after what happened. But we didn't talk out of work either. I just didn't know what I would say. And clearly, he didn't either, or he just didn't want to speak to me. I know he didn't mean for it to end up like this, but it did, and now I have lost the best person in my life.
He had told Chief Ripley. About us. About our relationship. Well, he had tried to tell him as a friend, not a chief. But of course, Ripley still had to report us to the board, he legally had to.
And the board had told us that we had to end things, at least in work, anyway. But afterwards, Robert and I had fought. I was mad at him, and he was trying to defend what he did, even though he knew he had made a mistake. He tried to apologise then, but I wouldn't forgive him, I just couldn't. Now, it was two weeks later, and I was starting to wish I had.

*Present day*

Robert's Pov
We all went inside after I had been introduced to the rest of the team. Bishop went to find Andy, but I couldn't help but wish that that was me. That it was me who went and asked if she was alright. But I knew she wasn't. And that I was probably the last person she wanted to see right now. I thought back and realised that we hadn't talked at all since our fight. I'm dreading when we have to talk, because it will have to happen, me being her captain and all. I did want to speak to Andy, but not as her Captain, and not in front of the team. I wanted to apologise to her, tell her I was sorry for what I did.
A few minutes later, I heard Bishop telling the rest of the team that Andy wouldn't open her bunk door, or talk to her. There was part of me was relieved that Andy hadn't told anyone. But there was also a part of me that was worried about her. I know Andy, or at least I used to know her. I know how sometimes, her not talking to anyone can lead her to a dark place, and I didn't want that to happen again.
I had decided to keep to myself, play the role of the strict new captain, so I stayed in my office most of the day. We haven't had any calls yet, so the team are just doing chores. Except Andy. She is still in her bunk, and she still hasn't talked to anyone. The team are surprised that I haven't shouted at her, or asked any of them about it, but I knew better. I wanted to give Andy time to think about everything, time to process the fact that I was here. Because honestly, I knew that I still needed time as well.
Then, we got unlucky. The alarm went off, signalling a fire that needed ladder 19, engine 19 and aid car 19. Sighing, I stood up. "Come on 19, let's go!" I shouted, walking out of my office. I saw Andy sneaking out of her bunk, and everyone throwing her concerned glances, me included. I kept trying to catch her eye, but she refused to look at me. She was on aid car with Warren, so I wouldn't get to talk to her then. And at the scene, we would both have to be concentrating on our job, so it would have to wait until we get back.
We got to the scene of the fire, it was an apartment building where someone had left their hair straighteners on while they went out, and they caught fire. It was spreading very quickly, and was now covering the whole floor, and nearly more. I knew what we needed to do, evacuate the people inside and put the fire out.
"Hughes and Montgomery, evacuate everyone. Bishop, Miller, Gibson, get the hoses ready to attack the fire, once everyone nearby is evacuated. Herrera and Warren wait for everyone to come out, there will most likely be burns and smoke inhalation," I ordered everyone, and they all ran off to do as I had told them. I looked at where Andy was stood, and at that moment she happened to glance up. As I looked into her eyes, I knew she had been crying. I tried to use my eyes to ask her if she was ok, even though I knew she probably wasn't, but she just looked away. I sighed, I hate seeing her upset like this.

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