Chapter Twenty

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Lucas' pov
After what had happened yesterday, I decided to go and see how Robert and Herrera were doing. When they had left, I hadn't said anything to Bishop, or anyone, about what had happened. I wanted to talk to them about it first, plus I was scared that I would slip up and mention something about them being together.
The shift had just ended, and I was about to head out, when I saw Vic. "Hey Vic," I shouted to get her attention. There was nobody else around so I could call her by her first name. She didn't spot me at first, but when she did, she smiled at me. "Hi Lucas, everything alright?" She said.
"Uh, yeah. I was going to go and see Sullivan and Herrera, I was wondering if you wanted to come too? I know you and Herrera are close," I asked her. Okay, that wasn't how I expected that conversation to go. I wasn't planning on asking her to come with me, but I guess plans change.
She looked shocked at first, but then answered, "Oh! Sure! Should I... meet you there? I don't know the address but.."
I cut her off, "You can come with me if you want. I was thinking we could stop and get coffee and donuts on the way? Plus it will be easier than taking two cars. If that's alright with you, you don't have to."
"Yeah, that's fine," Vic said, smiling at me.
Together, we walked over to my car and got in. On the way, we talked about the calls we'd been on that day, what had happened yesterday, and literally anything else that came to mind. Soon, we got to the coffee shop.
"Okay, what drink do you want?" I asked.
"Hmm latte please, but it's fine I can pay," Vic said.
"Nope I'm paying. What about Herrera?" I replied. Vic laughed, knowing that she wasn't going to get me to change my mind.
"She'll probably have the same," she said. I ordered four lattes and a box of donuts and then we stood to the side waiting for my name to be called. Soon, we were walking out the coffee shop when I heard someone calling my name.
"Uh, Lucas was it?" Someone shouted but I didn't recognise their voice. When I turned around, they carried on talking. Vic was stood by the door waiting for me. "Sorry your girlfriend dropped her purse." It took me a few seconds to realise they were talking about Vic.
"Oh, thanks, but... um, she's not my girlfriend. But thanks," I stuttered, grabbing Vic's purse and passing it to her.
"Oh sorry, I just assumed, you two look so cute together," the person said, and me and Vic laughed awkwardly. We were walking towards the car when we both started actually laughing.
"Okay that was kind of funny," I admitted.
"It was. And your face was hilarious," Vic added. I pretended to be offended but I couldn't keep a straight face for more than a few seconds before I started laughing again.
We got in the car, and only had to drive down the street to get to Sully's house. We knocked on the door, Vic carrying the donuts, me carrying the coffee. After a few seconds I heard Herrera shouting to Robert that she would get it, and sure enough, she appeared in front of the door a few seconds later.
"Oh! Um, hi Vic, hi chief," she said, shocked to see us. Her and Vic hugged, and I just smiled at her in greeting. She then stepped to the side letting us in. "Robert come down we have visitors," she shouted. We made our way to the living room and all sat down. Vic and I ended up on one couch, Sully and Herrera on the other. They were sat close, his arm around her shoulder, her head resting on him. Vic and I, on the other hand, sat at opposite ends of the sofa, not wanting to make anything awkward.
I handed everyone a drink and a donut and we all ate and drank them, while catching up with each other. Robert and Herrera told us that they had been doing basically nothing all day, just watching tv most of the time. Vic and I told them about a few of the calls we'd been on last shift. The most interesting one was an apartment fire. The fire had spread across three floors already by the time we got there, and we knew it was only going to get worse. Me, Vic and Montgomery were evacuating everyone inside when we came across this women who was refusing to leave her apartment. When we asked her why she told us that she didn't want her paintwork to get ruined, and none of us could hide our laughter. Eventually, Montgomery ended up picking her up and carrying her out the building seeing as she wouldn't go by herself.
As we finished telling the story, we were all laughing. When we stopped, it was silent for a while before Herrera spoke up, "I don't wanna ruin the mood or anything, but I just wanted to apologise for yesterday. I was just so angry about some of things Maya said, I just couldn't stop myself." I saw Robert start rubbing her shoulder to comfort her, and I knew it must not be easy for her to talk about. While I don't know Herrera that well, I do know that she did what she did because she was defending Robert and she didn't want to lose him again. And I didn't want to be the reason that they got found out again.
"It's fine, I've decided not to report it, as long as nothing like that happens again," I said and all three of them turned to look at me.
"Really?" Herrera asked in disbelief.
"Yup. But I can't say the same about Bishop, there's still a chance she will report you," I explained and she nodded sadly.
"If she reports you for hitting her or whatever I'm sure what she said is reportable," Vic said.
"Yes, it is," I confirmed. I might not know what Bishop had said to Herrera on the phone but even what she said in the beanery was bad enough.
"Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens," Herrera said and Sully pressed a kiss to her head.

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