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  "Oh. Hell. No."

  "Oh. Hell. Yes"

"Why would I do that with you, when I don't know anything about you" su ying said still struggling

"But you are married to me, so it's an obligation, and you really have no choice, plus it can't be pushed, it has to happen today" Xue Feng said and leaned down a bit closer to him. Something crossed his eyes in mere seconds they su ying missed it totally.

  "No, it's too early for that" su ying cried, his face was hot and he knew very well what he looked like.

"No it's not, that's something every newlywed does especially if they are from the royal family, do you want to bend the rules" xue Feng pressed.

  "N...no but still, that's a...a bit...."his voice trailed off

"A bit what?"

  "Too early, can't we move it up, please?" He pleaded. No matter the rules, he was definitely not about to sleep with the this man, he looked huge! enormous!

  "We can't, my sister will kill me if my new concubine didn't come to greet her today" Xue Feng said and bit his lips trying really hard not to laugh at the smaller one. He was soo easy to read.

  He knew exactly what he was thinking and so decided to mess with him, watching him turn red and stuttering non stop, he was really too easy and cute.

  "Huh! Sister!" Su ying froze


  "What about your sister?"

"She is the emperor's wife, so we have to go and pay our respect to her, that's what I was talking about, what did you think I was saying" Xue Feng narrowed his eyes at su ying, a certain someone turned to stone in front of him.

  So, his mind had be making crazy suggestions, and su ying wanted to crawl into a hole and cry till the world ended, but sadly he was in the arms of this guy that is his husband and he held on really tight to him.

   "That's exactly what I was talking about" su ying defended.



"Are you sure about that?"

  "Never been more sure"

"Doesn't seem so, looked to me like you were thinking of an R-rated something" Xue feng said and su ying wanted to die, his face that was calming down a bit flamed up again.

This man really wanted to kill him, his mouth was left open and Xue Feng smiled.

He let go of him and fixed su ying's sleep robe very well, and fixed his own as well, he turned to the door.

  "Some maids will be coming to get you ready to go and greet my sister, so try to get really on time" he said and threw su ying a wink.

He didn't get to reply as he left the room and it became quite.

  "What just happened?" Su ying asked.

Asides from his flaming cheek, there was nothing that didn't seem ordinary and normal.
True to his words, not a minute had passed after he left the room and maids rushed into his room bustling around like the queen bee was in labour. Some came in with buckets filled with water and steams were coming out if others were just plain cold water, they rushed passed su ying and into the bathroom, bowing along the way.

   Three maids stood in front of him, one held a bowl of water, one held a small towel and another held a bigger one, he was led to the bed and helped to sit down.

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