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The empresses manor was magnificent to say the least, everything looked like it was made of pure gold and Jade, it was so beautiful and super shinny, su ying feared for his eyes, his hands formed fists under his joined sleeves and his steps slowed down a bit, he was now walking a step behind Xue Feng that the other had to put a hand on his back trying to move him a bit faster.

They walked for a while and another door was opened to a big room where the empress sat with maids and servants and enuchs stood in wait, their heads bowed, hands folded in front and looking really elegant even for maids.

Su ying felt really intimidated, coming from a very poor background even if he was in another time and space and era he still hand his old self with him, he had never been in a place to extravagantly designed and he felt like a wrong move would get him into trouble.

Talking about the empress, she had on a small smile that was so warm su ying couldn't help but want to move forward and bask in it's warmth but he knew very well that, it was a very wrong move and so he stood and stared at her with his own little smile gracing his lips.

He was trembling on the inside but kept on his smile. And so following closely behind Xue Feng they bowed their head down to the empress and knelt down, their heads to the floor.

"Xue Feng and his new concubine greets the empress" he said.
Su ying really didn't know what to.say so he sit his mouth.

"You may rise" she said.

Her voice was so warm and nice su ying obeyed immediately and looked up at her.

He really was going to get in trouble of he didn't control himself after all the rules that Xue Feng gave him in the carriage.

Just as su ying was about to open the window of the carriage a hand stopped him abruptly causing him to flinch. He turned to glare at the owner of the hand when he saw Xue feng's face.

"Is opening the window a crime?" He asked looking lost. Last time he remembered, when the weather is hot you have to open the windows right? Or was there a law against it here.

"We need to talk" came Xue feng's voice, it sounded so low and too calm that su ying had no choice but to leave the window issue alone for now, that is.

"Ok, I am all ears" su ying said and turned to face him, his hands were still being held by Xue Feng and he wasn't letting go. Su ying tried it again and instead of his hand getting released his other hand was taken and he was pulled so close to Xue Feng that their lips almost met, su ying froze, his eyes staring into the other man's phoenix eyes, their breath mingled together in a warm blanket across their faces.

Things were really happening to su ying as he was definitely never this close to people before, he was probably going to faint from all this closeness he was getting here.

"When we get to the palace, you must definitely not speak out of turn or answer with any inappropriate answer, understand?"Xue Feng asked, his voice serious.

Su ying nodded.

"Use your words"

"I understand" su ying said.

"Do not wander around, and do not peek into other people's businesses, ok?"


"Do not, I repeat, do not eat anything from the palace. Do. You. Understand. That. One.?" Xue Feng asked, he was already close to su ying's body any more closer and they would fuse, su ying looked at his face and saw that it was so serious, and any misbehave only heavens knows what kind of trouble.he would get in.

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