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Su ying felt like his head was splitting, it hurt alot as he could only wince at the pain shooting through his head.

"It hurts" su ying whimpered out

"Where does it hurt, dear?" he heard a voice asking him. It was laced with worry and anxiety,almost like the owner had been crying.

"My head, it feels like it is splitting apart" su ying replied still not opening his eyes

"Here, have some water, it should help" the voice said and pushed a small cup into his hand and guided it to his lips and su ying took a sip, true to her words it did help a lot and su ying calmed down a bit finally having the energy to open his eyes.

Boy was he in for a surprise.

He saw the ceiling, it looked like every other ceiling except this time it was made of wood, ply wood, he turned his head to see who was talking to him and the sight that met him really did surprise him.

In front of him was a woman, she looked to be in her mid thirties and early forties, she had small eyes that looked to be brown in color when the sun rays reflected off of them and nose that stood tall and slim, her lips were plum and painted red, her skin was well proportioned and smooth. Her hair cascading down her shoulders but still packed up in an elegant but simple way.

Her dress looked ancient, like from the ancient times, it looked very beautiful and elegant on her with red rims around the dress.

All in all she looked like a well off lady and she was beautiful except her face was covered in a curtain if worry as she bit her red lips and furrowed her eyebrows together.

She opened her lips and...

"Does it still hurt, my love?" she asked as she reached forward and touched his forehead

Su ying frowned

Almost immediately a long beeping sound that was loud enough to explode a dam sounded in su ying's head and he recoiled immediately clutching his head. It was so loud and at a frequency that hurt and at the same time annoyed su ying.

"It hurt a...alot"

"Make it stop, please. It's too much" he whimpered and recoiled more into his already coiled body. The pain wouldn't stop no matter what he did.

"Do something, doctor" the woman said frantically trying to soothe su ying's pain, but little could be done.

Images flashed through his mind, memories rushed past his mind. It was as if he was remembering something that had been buried deep within his mind for a long time.

Su ying was sure that these were not his memories but the images he saw and he discussions he remembered were felling very familiar with him.

He didn't know all these people that kept flashing through his mind.

Just when su ying felt like the pain was not going to stop he felt that warm beam of light again like when he was still with that light ball, it immediately calmed the pain down, reducing it to a little throbbing pain at the back of his head.

"I am so sorry, it had slipped my mind that you were going to get the original memories of this body" he heard that light ball say frantically, it's voice filled with worry

"What was that?" su ying asked

"It is what we call neuro handshake" it said

"Neuro handshake?"

"Yes, it's when the host gets the memories of the previous owner of the body" it replied him

"Was it supposed to be that painful?" su ying asked looked at it

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