(Anakin's POV)
"anakin time to go to school!" i hear my mom scream from downstairs. i have a huge headache and i do not want to go to school, my best friend ashoka usually picks me up to go to school, i wouldn't want to keep her waiting. she's very impatient.
i get up and grab some simple clothes, a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans with white socks and black nike beat up shoes. i run downstairs and see my mom cooking breakfast. i sit down at the table and wait patiently for it to be ready "when will ashoka be here sweetie" i look at the clock "in about 20 minutes mom" i reply.
she puts the breakfast in front of me, it's eggs with two pieces of bacon and toast. "thanks mom!" i say before digging in. i watch youtube on my phone while i eat. i finished and go to wash my plate and fork and put it away. i hear honking outside "that must be ashoka mom, i'll see you tonight have a good day at work." i say before leaving, my mom works in a tiny store, we are struggling on money,
we are very poor and it's hard to make money right now.i get in the car and ashoka greets me with a simple punch in the shoulder. "hey skyguy! you ready?" she asks "i guess so, time to go to hell" i say with a huff
and ashoka laughs starting her car "cmon skyguy school isn't that bad, i heard there's gonna be two new students today! and i heard they are hot, one in my grade and one in yours. maybe you'll hit it off" the only person that knew about my sexuality was ashoka, and she fully supports me and i'm glad about that. she's also my only friend, it's hard for me to make friends. i'm not the most likeable guy. i laugh "just get going snips" ashoka giggles and leaves on our way to school.we get to school and she parks fairly close. we get out and walk into school, she's a junior and i'm a senior. one more year. i think to myself everytime i walk into this horrible place, ashoka was popular and doesn't hate school as much as me. we part ways and i go to my locker, the school principal Mr Yoda was trying to break up a fight between the two popular boys, fives and echo. i don't know what names are those. already? it hasn't been more than 30 minutes i think to myself while i open my locker. i put my stuff in the locker and grab the books and notebooks i need for my first period. "hey nerd" i hear someone walking towards me, i roll my eyes. "nerd i'm talking to you, did you get those clothes out of the garbage behind a macy's store?" the popular girl, barrass was with her friends, and i hated them so much "leave me alone" i say quietly trying to walk away "your not going anywhere! i'm still talking!" she says pushing me into the locker and i drop my stuff "let go of me" i said trying not to start a fight, i have horrible anger issues but i was pretty good with controlling it. "aww is the nerd upset? you don't walk away when someone is talking to you anishit!" that was her stupid nickname for me. she kneed me in the groin and i yelped in pain, i was still controlling my anger "hey ladies, i suggest you leave him alone." i hear a voice call out from behind barrass, she turns around "why are you defending this poor nerd?" the kid just eyed her down with her friends on either side of me. "dont make me ask you again" the kid said the girls huffed "i'm not done with you anishit!" she said walking away with her friends
"thank you..." i said softly. wow, he was so... handsome, his pretty blue eyes, his dreamy silk strawberry blonde hair perfectly parted, his bright smile, his build body. "it's no problem, i don't tolerate bullying" he said wiping my shirt and giving my stuff off the floor.. "so what's your name" he asks me "anakin.." i mutter "anakin? cute name, i'm obi-wan but if that's to confusing just call me ben." i couldn't get any words our i just sat
there staring. "i'm new here, me and my younger brother rex" anakin jumped back into reality "oh you
and your brother are the new kids. well, welcome to republic high school." i say trying to welcome him the best i can. ben just laughs, "thank you ani, let's walk to class so we aren't late, hmm room 102..? he says looking at his schedule "oh! see those stairs straight ahead? go down there and turn to your left and it's the first door to your right! my class is upstairs" i say excited to help him, but sad i don't have class with him. ben punches my shoulder lightly "thank you ani! we should be friends" he said
smiling, why is he so nice to me? i nod in response and we part ways waving to each other. i get to my first period class, geometry. ashoka texts me.

Clone wars: High school AU (obikin) (rexsoka) {Completed}
Fanfictionthe clone wars characters go to high school, and obi-wan and rex are the new students. all normal right? not for ashoka and anakin. (this book has very long chapters so if you like reading then it's the book for you 😂) *CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT, LG...