(Ben's POV, warning: child abuse.)
i pulled up to the devil's house, i can feel the negative energy that came from it, the anxiety rising above the sky as i parked, Rex was still crying, i put my hand on his thigh "get your camera ready" i said softly, Rex nods getting on his phone. i saw both my parents peak through the window, i didn't expect this to ever happen.
"i love you Rex." i said unbuckling. "i love you too Obi." Rex said and gets out of the car, i opened the trunk from the car and get out to go grab our stuff, i grab my suitcases and bags, he grabs his, we stand behind the car for a while, we weren't mentally prepared for this.
we walked up to the porch, i signaled Rex to get his phone out and record, he grabs his phone and pressed record, we open the door and our parents are sitting at the table, and for once in my life i saw my dad not drunk, weird...
i put my stuff down beside the door "look who finally decides to come back." My mom said sarcastically, i rolled my eyes. "don't roll your eyes at me!" she yelled. "you shouldn't have went to live with your boyfriend, you know i don't support that!" she snapped, me and rex weren't even saying anything. "i'm going upstairs" i said and grabbed my stuff heading upstairs "come down once everything is in your room!" my mom called after us, i just said 'mhm' loudly so she can hear.
i put everything in my room and head downstairs with rex, i put my arm around him, i'm way to overly protective of him. The fear was way to intense to bear with, the negative energy, the devils that sworn around this house. The fear in Rex's eyes made me grow in hate and anger, my little brother shouldn't be scared of our parents.
i stand in front of the couch with Rex looking at the two devils that sat at the table angrily, i can see their eyes just grow red from the anger. "we need to punish you for leaving." My mom said standing up, my dad stood up with her. they walks towards us and i pulled Rex close to me, the fear and anger just grew bigger by the second, my mom got in my face "you're homeschooled, we already enrolled you and your homeschool computer and supplies will be here tomorrow, no exceptions!!" she yelled in my face, made me and Rex flinch. "no..." i said softly, my mom clenched her fists "i don't want to hear it Obi-Wan Kenobi!! Anakin is a bad influence on you and i want you NO WHERE NEAR HIM!!" she yelled, i felt warm tears fall down my face, i didn't realize i was crying.
"you cant do that!!" Rex yelled getting back in my moms face, she growled "don't talk back to me Rex Kenobi!!" i grabbed rex and pulled him back into my chest, i whispered to him not to talk back before he gets hit. he nodded crying into my chest. "no wonder Aayla left." i whispered "what was that?!?!" my dad shouted "I SAID NO WONDER AAYLA LEFT! YOU GUYS ARE ASSHOLES!!" i yelled, i don't know where the courage came from, that just filled me with fear, not sure of what they will do now, i've never really talked back that badly before.
my mom growled deep in her throat, like a lion that's frustrated and can't catch it's zebra. she punched be in the face hard. "don't you ever speak to me that way, go to your room!" mom yelled, Rex jumped and looked up at me "are you okay obi!?" rex said checking my face. i put rex beside me and pushed both my parents against the table that was in front of the couch, they fell over and i grabbed Rex's hand running upstairs with him.
we get into my room and i told him to stay in there with me, i don't trust him to be in his room alone, "let me get you ice obi." Rex said softly checking out my eye "i'm fine, don't go down there alone." i said and layed down "sleep in here tonight, text Ahsoka about the homeschool, i'll text Ani." Rex nodded and stopped the phone recording. "i got the whole thing on recording." he said, i sent him a thumbs up, tomorrow, we are going to the police.
Rex texted Ahsoka, she was pretty upset. i couldn't bring the courage to text Anakin, i sat in our texts, it was typed out but i couldn't press send, it was to heartbreaking.
i asked Rex to press the send button, the sadness in his eyes just hurt me even more, he crawls next to me and presses the send button, i started to tear up, i didn't want to see his response.
my phone dings and i look to see it's Anakin, i didn't want to see his response, but i had to.
i open my phone and this was his heartbreaking response...
Baby🪐🖤: NO! what will happen with our relationship?! i cant do long distance and i cant lose you😭
that broke me, i couldn't tell if it was a break up or if he was just simply asking, i don't want to lose him either, my life was just becoming complete. without Anakin, i don't know what i'll do, i really hope the police will be able to take us out of this devilish house.
Rex fell asleep next to me cuddling up with me, i hate seeing him in this state of distress. I decided to sleep off the stress along with Rex, and i fell asleep with my little brother in my arms.
-When they wake up-
i woke up to my phone ringing, i slowly grabbed my phone trying not to wake up Rex, i look at it and it's Anakin. i scoot away slowly from the sleeping brother and sit up in bed, i answer it...
Anakin: hey you didn't answer me earlier you okay?
Me: i'm alright.
Anakin: why are you whispering
me: rex is sleeping
Anakin: oh okay, just wanted to check up.
Me: thanks i guess, i got a black eye.
Anakin: WHAT?!?!
Me: i'm fine i'm fine. look i'll text you in the morning. goodnight.
Anakin: goodnight love you
me: love you
and i hung up, all of this was heartbreaking for me, i put my phone down on the table next to my bed and lay back down next to Rex. i don't want to be homeschooled, i don't want to be homeschooled, i want to be able to go to school and hug my boyfriend, he's my safe place. my home.
i ended up falling asleep crying silently. tomorrow, first day of homeschool. i'm not looking forward to it.

Clone wars: High school AU (obikin) (rexsoka) {Completed}
Fanfictionthe clone wars characters go to high school, and obi-wan and rex are the new students. all normal right? not for ashoka and anakin. (this book has very long chapters so if you like reading then it's the book for you 😂) *CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT, LG...