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⚠️(Anakins POV, child abuse, homophobia)⚠️

i wake up and ben is still sleeping on my chest, i look over, ashoka and ben are scrolling through tiktok laughing. i rub my hands through bens hair, "hey skyguy, you're awake" ashoka said then looks at ben "someone was tired" she added "yeah, he's so cute, so perfect" i said gawking at him, he's amazing, the best. and i promise i'll be here for him on his toughest days. ashoka chuckled "i'm happy for you ani!" rex said "hmmm" ben huffed hugging me tighter. "i can't tell if he awoke or just moved" i said laughing quietly. "my arm is asleep..." i added i try to move him off so i can get up and clean for my mom "NO!" ben yells and hugs tighter "oh shit! he's awake!" i scream laughing, ashoka and rex laugh as well, "ben hun i need to get up and clean, mind moving, also my arm is numb" i said softly in his ear "noooo" he whined "bennnn babyyyy" ben huffed and turned his back towards me getting off my chest, and within 30 seconds he was fast asleep again. "he's so cute" i said softly and got up to clean.

i start first by putting the liquor back in my moms room, then cleaning the dishes, i hear someone get up from the bed. "ani?" i turn around and see ben behind me "ben go lay down with ashoka and rex, you look tired" ben just rolled his eyes "im not letting you clean alone if we all made the mess." ashoka and rex show up behind him. "guys i got this please go lay down" i said continuing to wash the dishes, ben comes next to me and starts drying tjem, i hear ashoka and rex cleaning the counters "if we all do this together we will get it done fast-" ben was cut off "w-where's your bathroom.." he said "ben you alright?" i ask putting my arm around him "i don't feel so good where's your bathroom" i point to my room "the door next to my room" he runs into the bathroom "is he alright?" i ask looking at ashoka "last night he was the worst one drunk as you know, probably a hangover" she explains and continues to clean the counters with rex.

ben comes back down "ben go lay down please" ben shakes his head "no im helping" i look at ashoka and rex then nod. we work on trying to carry ben, i grab his upper half and ashoka and rex grab his lower half "PUT ME DOWN!" he yells we put him on the bed and i hand him the tv remote "here's the remote, watch whatever you want while me, ashoka and rex clean, you have a huge hangover" ben just huffs "i don't want you guys to clean alone... also ani can you answer something for me?" i nod kneeling down "w-what happened last night?" i felt like my heart sank, ashoka and rex exchange sad looks. "what? why are you guys looking at each other like that?" ben asked again "n-nothing... we played beer pong, danced, listened to music, watched movies, nothing out of the ordinary" i reply and immediately go back to clean.

i hear footsteps behind me as i'm cleaning the dishes "skyguy.. why didn't you tell him? tell him he asked you out? and what you did in the-" i had to cut her off "enough ashoka! it was a one time thing apparently... let it go" ashoka just sighed and went back to doing her cleaning part with rex. does he really not remember? what we did, that he asked me out, that we are dating, i should of expected it. "ani!" i heard ben holler, great. i'm not in a good mental state to really be talking to anyone, but i drop what i'm doing and walk over to him. "yes ben?" i try saying in a nice way, i'm honestly irritated right now and just want to get the cleaning done. "ani, you look upset, did something else happen yesterday i should know about?" i couldn't deal with this "no ben, nothing else." ashoka walks next to me and whispers in my ear "just tell him anakin" i hear her say "no! nothing else happened ok?!" i shout and continue to finish up the last of the dishes. i notice ashoka sit next to ben. great she will possible tell him. i'm so embarrassed, and irritated, i don't know what to do right now. "anakin come back here!" i hear ashoka say "no ashoka let me clean!" i yell back "no you can come here for 5 kriffing minutes!" i sigh and go over there "what is so important you insisted i come over here?!" i said getting more irritated than ever. "tell ben right now i told him there's something else that happened but i won't tell him. i'll let you, me and rex will go clean and leave you guys alone" ashoka then gets up and walks over to rex. "so ani what happened?" i look down, tears about to fall down my face. "ani?" ben asked again. "we.. we.." i couldnt get the words out "anakin come on. what's wrong? what happened?" ben kept insisting on knowing "well... you asked me out, i said yes, then.. then.. we had sex in my room.. you had sex with me ben."  i look up at ben tears in my eyes "ani..." he said and grabbed my chin, "i love you" i forced a smile "i-i love you too" ben places a gentle kiss on my cheek, "i wish i was sober so i can remember us kriffing." ben said with a soft chuckle. "well maybe we can do it again, just not drunk" i reply getting up, "i need to finish cleaning, watch tv and rest. my mom will be home soon and i want everything cleaned before she's here" then i walk back to the kitchen to finish cleaning.

Clone wars: High school AU (obikin) (rexsoka) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now