(takes place the day before the last day of school. Ben's POV also, LOTS of Obikin fluff towards the end:3 )
i walk into school with my favorite People, my boyfriend, my best friends, Ahsoka, Barriss, Lux, and my little brother Rex, they have been there for me till the end. and i couldn't thank them enough.
i give Anakin a tight hug before leaving to go to my first period, and as i walk down the crowded halls of this school, everyone is screaming the song from high school musical "it's summer time" or whatever it's called. i just laugh at the idiots that are throwing their papers everywhere and down the stairs.
i get to my class and sit down putting my bag down and getting out my necessary supplies. i see my teacher walk in and greet everyone "hello guys, tomorrow is that last day of school whos excited?!" she shouted and everyone screamed on the top of their lungs, i could swear i went deaf for a second.
Me and Anakin's flight to go to Pennsylvanian is next week, we need to spend as much time as we can with the others.
all we did in class today was talk about our summer plans, me and Anakin's summer plan was flying to Pennsylvania and chilling in separate hotels until collage starts in august. i don't know why we had to get a flight in June, but we did.
Anakin and I were excited to be honest, but we didn't want to leave Ahsoka, Rex, Lux, Barriss, they were our best friends, we all wanted to go to the same collage, but i guess the gods had a different plan for us.
i walk slowly up to the lunch room and see Anakin and the others at a table talking, i must've been late... again... for the 4th day.
i go over and sit next to Anakin in the empty seat, everyone around us is screaming and talking loudly i can't even hear my own thoughts from it.
"Hey Obi! you okay?" Anakin asked, i nodded my head and slowly began to eat. "i cant wait to go to Harvard, i heard they have a volleyball team there! i'm so trying out!" Ahsoka said and Anakin laughed "yeah well i'm sure you will make it Snips." replied Ani. I heard Rex talking about joining the dodgeball team at Harvard, and Anakin joining the basketball team at Penn state. "want to join basketball with me?" Anakin asked me. "yeah uh sure." i replied with a fake smile and finished eating pushing my lunch box away from me.
Anakin and the others get up to throw their trash away, Anakin grabs my trash and takes it with him noticing i'm not in a good stable mood right now, i'm just to stressed about the whole move across the U.S, we live in Cali, and we have to fly hours all the way to Pennsylvania, different climate, different state, didn't things that they do over there, it's gonna be a different experience.
After lunch Lux and Rex wave bye to us and part ways to go to their class, while me, Anakin, Barriss, and Ahsoka go to gym to say our goodbyes to Mr Opress, wait, didn't Mr Opress go to Penn state? OUR COLLAGE?! Will we see him? there is so many kids in that collage that i highly doubt it.
we walk in and since it isn't a real gym class and we are only saying bye to Mr Opress, we immediately sat in the middle of our school logo and waited for instructions.
Mr Opress walked out of his and Mr Fistos office and everyone cheered for him. he laughed as he walked in front of everyone "hello everyone, i will miss this school so much." he said over the cheers. "we have a guest today, she used to go to this school about a year ago." Mr Fisto said, why do we have a guest?
"she is going to run today's class as a surprise, she has a great class for you guys today, and Mr Opress." he added and a girl walked out, she was tall, young, long blue hair, Hazel eyes. she looked familiar "hi guys! my name is Aayla Kenobi!" I was in shock, that's my.. my.. SISTER?!

Clone wars: High school AU (obikin) (rexsoka) {Completed}
Fanfictionthe clone wars characters go to high school, and obi-wan and rex are the new students. all normal right? not for ashoka and anakin. (this book has very long chapters so if you like reading then it's the book for you 😂) *CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT, LG...