Say You Won't Let Go

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This one shot is based off of the song 'Say You Won't Let Go' by James Arthur. Season 7 cast minus Hotch but with Tara added because she's amazing. Rossi is unit chief but that's not really relevant. JJ has Henry but she is not married to Will.

The team and a random man were kneeling in a line shoulders next to each other with cloth bags over their heads, and their hands zip tied behind their backs.

They had been kidnapped and no one knew what was going on. Quickly, the bags were removed from everyone's head except for Emily, who kneeled in the middle of the team. The line went from the random man, to Morgan, then Garcia, then Rossi, Emily, Tara, JJ, then lastly Reid.

Everyone looked around confused. Morgan had a cut above his left eye, no doubt from trying to fight the kidnappers. A man none of them had seen before stood a few feet in front of them. He was around the same age as Emily, he wore cargo pants and a leather jacket. He held a bat in his left hand. It was a wooden bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. He also had a revolver in a holster on his right hip. Behind him, to his left and right stood other men with full auto machine guns.

Behind the team stood 3 more men with the same guns. The room was fairly large, there was a steel door that lead out of the room. There was a wooden door in the corner leading to a bathroom. The fluorescent lights were almost blinding to the people who just had their vision blacked for god only knows how long. In the corner furthest from the steel door were 7 evenly spaced cots with names of the BAU team members engraved on the wall above them. It went in the same order as how they were currently lined up.

The man in the middle of the room with the bat, who the team assumed was the leader, nodded his head to one of the guys in the back. The man nodded back and stepped forward and took out a pocket knife.

"Do not run or fight. If you do," the man paused and scoffs, "lets just say you don't want that." He cut free everyone's hands including Emily's.

The leader took a couple steps forward toward Emily and smiled evilly at her. The man who cut off the zip ties takes the hood off of Emily's head.

"Hello, darling." The leader spoke to Emily. Emily's face quickly turned to rage, and just as quick she went to lunge at the man. But before she could stand, the man removed his gun and held it to her head causing her to stop. He still held the bat in his left hand. The team could see the absolute hatred Emily had for the man in front of her and they didn't know why.

"Emily. Sweet, sweet Emily." He said still smiling at her. "Now, you know better than that." He takes a few steps back from her and holsters his gun.

"Would you like to tell your team who I am?" He asks her with the same smile on his face.

Emily looks at him angrily, "I will fucking kill you." She spat out at the man. The team was even more confused. They had never seen her like this. Ever since she started at the BAU seven years ago, the team wanted to know what her breaking point is.

Everyone on the team had a breaking point. Whether that was a person or a situation that could make them break. Derek's was his wife, Penelope, and what happened with Carl Buford. JJ's breaking point was Henry. Everyone had one. But they couldn't figure out who or what Emily's was. They had known her for seven years and they had never seen her cry or show any sort of breakage.

The man chuckled, "Well, I'll tell you then," he said to the team. "I'm Ian, Emily and I go way back." He looked at her and smiled. "Isn't that right darling?" He asks even though he knew she wasn't going to say anything. "I was there for her when she had her abortion, when her mom kicked her out when she was 16-" He stopped himself as he looked at the shocked faces around the room. He looked back at Emily, "you didn't tell them?" He asks smiling wider. "Why don't I tell them then?" He asks her.

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