Viral Sensation Pt. 1

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"Oi. Earth to Bede."

Bede blinked several times before batting Marnie's hand away from his face.

"Stop," he glared, swatting her hand away.

"You were the one spacin' out," she shrugged, turning back to the rows of clothes, "Now are you helpin' me or not?"

Bede sighed, and returned his attention to the aisle.

Every year, the Pokémon league opened on the first day of spring, and concluded on the first day of winter. The start of the season was coming, meaning gyms were about to re-open for all challengers. This meant the gym leaders' time to re-print league cards, redesign uniforms, or remodel the gyms was nearly up. Bede, being the procrastinator he was, put off getting his pictures and uniforms updated up until the current month of February, and was now forced to deal with his problems because Marnie had finally stepped in.

They were searching for inspiration to redesign Bede's uniform, because Marnie thought it was too bland, and he had worn it for last two leagues already. With the next one approaching, it was time for him to get a redesign.


"What do you think of this?" she held up a formal jacket with long coattails, "Incorporating the coattails 'ould make you look sorta' princely, don't you think?"

"They'd get in the way," Bede responded flatly.

"Of what?" she shot back, "It's not like you're doing the fighting."

"I'm not wearing a formal jacket to a sports match. That's ridiculous."

She rolled her eyes and returned the jacket to its place on the aisle, "You're not being very helpful, you know. All y've done since we got 'ere is complain about my choices."

"That's because I don't see a point in changing anything! My uniform is just fine as it is!"

"Have you listened to your fans complain!? Great Arceus—if I hear one more wench patter on about how 'ur uniform is too big and 'doesn't accentuate your manly charm', I'm going to remove my ears with a wooden spoon!"

"That's a bit graphic."

"The point is," she spun, glaring head-on into his eyes, "You're deluded. Your outfit is plain, and drab. Plus it's getting faded."

"Says you," he grumbled back, "Always picking the showiest outfits. Have you no sense of dignity, or must you feel the need to incapacitate the eyes of your entire audience to satisfy your incessant lust for attention?"

Marnie's jaw dropped and her eyes flooded with rage instantly.

Oh crap.

"You BRAT!" trembling with anger, Marnie thrust the rest of the clothing options into Bede's arms, "SCREW YOU! I'm just tryin' to help, and now you're insulting me!? I'm so done with you! I tried 't be patient, but I just can't STAND you! You're on your own for this!"

"W-wait—Marnie!" Bede called after her, but she was already storming out of the boutique, "I'm sorry—I didn't mean to spout off—" he stared guiltily down at the clothes in his arms, "Come back..." he sighed, and plopped the options onto a bench.

It's hopeless... I've angered the one person who could've helped me with this dilemma... now what?

He slumped against the wall behind him.

And Piers is probably going to kill me for saying all that stuff... though I suppose I deserve it. I think I went too far...

For a few minutes, Bede let his eyes trace the patterns on the ceiling, occasionally finding curious formations that resembled faces.

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