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The matches had finished about an hour ago. Bede had taken the liberty to shower and change in preparation for the inevitable bombardment of cameras that awaited him just outside the front doors. At the moment, however, he was taking a siesta on a bench just outside the locker room. Though he was on his phone, a part of him was secretly waiting for Gloria so they could chat for a moment before going home.

Chat like a normal pair of friends, of course—not because he liked her, or anything. Though he technically did...

"Waiting for me?" a sweet, nectar-like voice floated through his eardrums.

He almost jumped up in surprise, but somehow managed to stifle the urge. For whatever reason, Gloria had developed a habit of sneaking up on him—probably because she liked watching him jump. Despite her recent scares, Bede finally managed to keep a straight face this time, leaving her with only his annoyed glare.

"Don't do that," he grunted, turning off his phone.

"Aww, but your reactions are so cute though!" she complained, though there was a smirk on her face, "If I didn't know you were easily startled, I'd assume you had feelings for me."

This girl— he fumed, unwilling to admit how right she was.

"Don't start with me," he cut in, annoyed, "Next time you do that I'll go straight home. I didn't have to wait for you, you know."

Her eyes crinkled at the remark, "Oh? So you were waiting for me? How sweet of you, Bede."

"Tch," he mumbled, turning off to the side in annoyance.

As if that were an invitation, she plopped down onto the bench at his left side. Watching her take a seat, Bede shifted further away to the right in mild discomfort. She had placed her hands down by her hips, only leaving a centimeter gap away from his own fingers. Noticing this, he felt a sudden surge of surprise travel up his left arm, so before she could notice, he quickly retracted his hand to rest it sheepishly on his thigh instead.

If you weren't so cute, Gloria, I'd have already swatted your hands away by now.

"So!" Gloria spoke suddenly, clasping her hands together, "Did you have something to ask me?"

"Not particularly," he mused.

"Well that's a first for you," she laughed, "Typically you're itching to say something. From what I remember, you've always hated silent pauses. Was I wrong?"

He rolled his eyes, unable to form an excuse. After all, there wasn't a particular reason he'd waited for her, other than to chat.

"I'm not allowed to just say hi?"

"Well there's nothing wrong with that," she shrugged, "Again though—the way you keep phrasing things makes it seem like you like me or something."

His eyebrows knitted together in annoyance as her sunshine-like smile reappeared on her cheeks.

"Well you'd be wrong." he dismissed shortly, "I dunno why you keep saying that, but I can promise you I don't see you that way. You're not my type."

Despite his attempt to shut her down, somehow Bede's words caused Gloria's famous, curious grin to reappear on her face. He'd made a bad choice of words just then.

Brilliant. Now she's probably going to interrogate me about what my "type" is.

As expected, she cocked her head to the side and asked: "What is your type then?"

He swore silently to himself, bitterly wishing he'd just kept his mouth shut. When she didn't remove her gaze, Bede let out a disgruntled huff.

"If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?"

Jirachi's Twin Bonus Stories (btyu and others ♥)Where stories live. Discover now