Consider a Friend Pt. 3

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An hour later, and the excitement from the Star Tournament was finally coming to a close. Bede and Gloria were standing side-by-side as Leon congratulated them out on the field. As they waved to the audience, Leon handed them a set of matching Star Tournament ribbons, claiming it was the best prize he could give (since he'd already handed out the Sport Uniforms).

Surrounded with cheers and confetti, Gloria turned to finally grin at Bede.

"Looks like I won again, Bede."

He glanced at her, unable to wipe his grin off his face, "You know... I suppose I'd normally throw a fit if I had to share my win with you, but for now, a win is a win."

"Is it now?" she laughed, still waving to the crowd.

"Yeah," he chuckled, surprised that he was so joyful about the whole thing, "I'm just glad I got to fight alongside you. That was really something cool, Gloria."

"I'm glad you're happy then," she replied gratefully.

Happy? Bede blinked, his hand pausing momentarily as he waved, Am really I happy?

He looked around at the stadium, at the ribbon pinned to his shirt, and at the joyful look of euphoria on Gloria's face as the Maximizers broke once again into song.

I suppose I am, he realized, rolling back his head to laugh for a moment as the stadium's attention finally moved away from him.

"Say—why don't we go celebrate?" Gloria offered, her eyes glittering with excitement, "After all, we won!"

"We?" he hesitated. Though he was aware Gloria now considered him as her friend, he wasn't quite sure if he could say the same for himself yet, "I don't know... what would we do?"

Gloria shrugged, starting to walk towards the sidelines, "Well, we could get something fancy to eat," she suggested, "I can invite Marnie too, if you think it'll be awkward with just the two of us."

He considered that for a moment.

"I suppose," he began carefully, finally managing to wipe off his smirk, "I'm not busy tonight."

"Yes!" she shouted, a little too enthusiastically, "Then let's go! I know just the place!"

Suddenly Gloria grabbed Bede's wrist and pulled him along with her to the sidelines.

"H-hey—not so fast! There's no hurry, is there!?"

She turned to grin at him, her smile somehow burning into his eyes like fire.

"Maybe not, but—I have so much energy now I just want to run!"

"Then don't take me with you—augh!" he yelled.

But it was pointless. After all, he was laughing just as much as he was complaining for her to stop.

Somehow, as they were running, Bede realized he'd changed. It was a known fact he and the champion were rivals. They didn't get along—let alone fight together or hang out. Yet at some point, whether it was during their first league against each other, or after sharing their win together at the Star Tournament, something changed.

She so easily smiled at him, greeted him, shook his hand, and waved at him when he could barely call her by her first name. Though it was annoying at first, he'd at some point begun to expect that sweetness from her. If she ever forgot to acknowledge him, he felt annoyed—even a little betrayed at times. He admired her patience and her willpower to keep smiling, even when he brushed her off. She was strong that way—like a pillar of sunshine.

So when he heard her arguing with Hop, it finally clicked in his mind that he was wrong about her.

She wasn't all smiles and warm greetings, but a complicated person who could cry and yell and scrape her knees, just like anyone else; as could he. That was the difference he saw—the new spark that finally allowed him to smile around her, and view her as more than just a faceless opponent. Maybe if he spent enough time around her, she could change how he saw the rest of the people in the world, too. He wanted her to cure him.

But Bede had no idea that she'd do far more than just that.

Consider a Friend -Alternate Ending-

The television was playing in the background as he studied. Piles of textbooks and paperwork were spread all around him, each one containing information about Pokémon research.

However, he was no longer looking at any of it.

Hop was seated in front of the television, his forehead resting on the ledge which the TV was set on. One hand was covering his face, the other resting on the ledge by his head with the remote in hand.

There was confetti.


And music.

Celebration Hop listened to, but couldn't witness in person because it hurt too much. He couldn't face her after what he'd said—after what he'd finally confirmed to feel towards her.

I hate you.

He forced his gaze up to the TV, and saw her pin the first-place ribbon on her shirt.

I hate you.

She smiled too brightly—a smile always reserved for himself. Her friend. Her best friend.

I hate you.

But he wasn't there this time.

I hate you.

It was Bede instead.

Of all people.


I hate you!

He slammed his fist on the table, rattling the TV in its spot.

The remote slipped from his hand, coincidentally tapping the power button as it landed.

The last image he saw was of her grabbing Bede's wrist and guiding him away to go celebrate their win.

The match they'd won together.

He hated them both.

"Stop," he finally croaked, falling backwards to lie helplessly on the floor, "Stop leaving me behind!"

But his sobs were met with only silence, as if the world itself had indeed forgotten him.

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