Consider a Friend Pt. 1

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It was the opening day of the Galarian Star Tournament. Bede and the rest of the gym leaders were standing around in the lobby, each one of them holding a crisp envelope with a red, wax seal. Bede had already opened his hours ago, and was only holding onto it because it contained his invitation to the event. He was standing silently on gym leader Opal's left side, and was glancing around the room to observe the competition.

He looked around and spotted Nessa, Bea, and Sonia chatting off to the side with each other in a small group, Gordie and Raihan seated next to one another, taking a picture, Kabu, Milo, Allister, and Melony conversing off to the left, and Piers, Hop, and Marnie excitedly gearing themselves up for their oncoming matches.

Who are we still waiting on? Is Champion Gloria late?

"There we go!" Opal suddenly announced, drawing Bede's attention back to her. She held up a small QR card and tapped it against her Rotom phone, "Goodness—no matter what I did, this curious thing just wouldn't scan my card..." she shook her head, "blasted technology. Bede, could you be a dear and open the file I need?"

"File? What file?"

"You know—the square button that pulls up the thing for the tournament?"

His eyelids lowered in annoyance, "Are you talking about the Star Tournament app?"

"Yes, that thing," she reached out her phone to him.

Shaking his head, he took the phone, and showed Opal the app that the QR code had downloaded onto her device.

"You just tap on this, and it should bring you to this screen..." he paused, observing a brief popup clarifying if the user was Opal, "Tap 'yes'..." then the screen finally stopped on the menu.

Displayed were three buttons: Join Tournament, Host Tournament, and in smaller letters, Sign Out.

"We're not starting yet, so for now just turn off your phone..." he tapped the button on the side, causing the screen to turn black, and then handed the device back to Opal, "You can get back to that screen on your own now—right?"

She nudged him, "I may be old, but I'm not incompetent. I can manage just fine—thank you."

Before Bede could respond, the sliding glass door suddenly flew open, filling the room with two furious voices.

"...I don't care if you're the new psychic gym leader, this card has my name on it, so I'm attending whether you like it or not!"

"Well pardon me ma'am, but I just don't see how that letter could be real! After all, I received mine straight from the Champion himself!"

"Did you? Ha! Well now I know you're full of hot air because if you had even the tiniest fraction of a braincell, you'd know that the champion is a WOMAN, you dolt!"

Bede stared incredulously at the two bickering people that had just entered the stadium. The first voice that entered belonged to a short girl who couldn't have been older than seventeen. Her hair was bright pink, and though she acted unprofessionally, she was clearly wearing the official uniform for the poison-type gym.

The other person was a tall, posh-looking "gentleman", who Bede believed was trying too hard to appear charming. His hair was long and blond, and he had a white pair of glasses and a black top hat with Poké Balls mysteriously rotating around it. Just like the girl, this man also was wearing an official uniform, though his was for the psychic-type gym.

Bede raised an eyebrow as he stared at the two spectacles. He recognized them both from some obscure event, but couldn't seem to recall exactly where. Still, he shrugged, and approached the two trainers with practiced politeness despite how infuriating their appearances already were.

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