Consider a Friend Pt. 2

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A few months passed since the first Galarian Star Tournament was announced. Within that span of time, Bede had only run into Gloria once—simply passing her by with a quaint wave while visiting Hammerlocke. Though they rarely ran into each other, Bede reckoned from that single time he'd seen her, she was doing much better than before. She even seemed enthusiastic as she waved.

Perhaps those two have already made up, Bede figured, I suppose when you're that close to someone, forgiving is a lot easier.

Then, before Bede knew it, March was upon him. Spring sprung up through the blossoms of the trees, marking the start of the next Pokémon league. He attended the opening ceremony, spotting the champion as she welcomed the gym challengers, and announced the date of yet another Galarian Star Tournament, reserved for early May of that year.

It wasn't until that tournament when he finally got the chance to speak to her again.

He and Opal arrived five minutes early so they could check in properly and choose their partners.

"Are we doubling up a second time, Bede dear?" she asked.

Bede considered it for a moment, "Normally I'd agree, but I'm curious about fighting with the other participants as well..."

Opal nodded understandingly, "I suppose that's reasonable. I should've known one day you'd grow up and leave me behind..." she sighed melodramatically before giving Bede a mischievous smirk.

"What am I—your son...?" he grunted.

Opal just smiled and stepped into the prep lobby to wait for the other gym leaders to arrive. Bede, though meaning to enter the lobby with Opal, had a sudden phone call interrupt him from entering. Thus, for the next few minutes, Bede watched as gym leaders signed in and turned right into the adjourning lobby.

"Look—" Bede hissed into the phone, "I don't care what color the decorations are this year, just use the same ones we used last year. I don't see how this couldn't have waited until after the tournament, but whatever..."

Defensive complaining met him as he dismissed their request, but Bede didn't care.

"Just do what I suggested, alright? Save yourself the frustration and recycle old props if you have to. I'm hanging up now."

Bede rubbed his eyes as he returned his phone to his pocket, and to his surprise, Gloria was standing across the room signing into the front desk. He paused for a moment, wondering what he should say to her, and then stepped across the room to finally greet her.

"Good afternoon, Champion," Bede acknowledged, nodding to her.

When her pass had been scanned at the front desk, she turned to face Bede, surprised he'd bothered to approach her.

"Oh. Good afternoon to you too," she smiled briefly, "I didn't think you'd be the first to approach me."

Bede grimaced at her remark, "Ah. Well, that's..."

She chuckled, dismissing her own banter with a playful wave of her hand, "I'm just messing with you," she peered up at him, "Have you picked your partner yet?"

"Me? Not yet... I just got off a phone call, so I haven't been able to check the competition."


There was a strange pause.

Shoot—why did I approach her again? Bede wondered, turning away from Gloria to enter the lobby, It's always so awkward... we hardly know each other, after all...

Gloria followed Bede until they'd both entered the lobby, and then they turned to enter their separate locker rooms to prepare for the tournament. When Bede had finished combing the snarls out of his hair, he reentered the lobby, and was surprised to find it empty except for Gloria sitting silently on a bench.

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