Viral Sensation Pt. 2

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Gloria waved goodbye to Nessa as she exited the stadium doors. An hour since the ceremony's end, Bede had stormed out of Wyndon stadium and marched up to the top floor of the Battle Tower. Now that everything was over, Gloria took the liberty of grabbing Bede's pink duffel to deliver it back into his hands.

After exiting the sliding front doors, she glanced to her left and right sides, then turned into a nearby elevator. Hiking up her hood, Gloria stepped inside without drawing the attention of anyone else inside of the elevator, and proceeded into the monorail waiting just outside.

As she entered, she noticed it was mostly empty. It made a fair amount of sense why—no one else needed to go to the Battle Tower so late in the evening, after all. All the people in the neighboring lobby were most likely waiting for the next trip to Picadilly Street.

After a few minutes of sitting, Gloria felt the monorail come to a sudden stop, and stepped outside of the sliding doors. Then, turning on her heel, she strode up to the Battle Tower and glanced up at the many floors.

"This skyscraper never ceases to amaze me..." she mumbled, in awe about the building's height.

Just as she was observing the glass windows of the building, however, she noticed something familiar on the second floor. Upon squinting, she spotted a single, white tuft of hair peeking just past the windowsill she was observing from below.

"Is that Bede?" she wondered curiously, "What's he doing on the second floor?"

As she entered the building and turned into the elevator, she wondered what he could possibly be up to.

"Maybe I'll surprise him!" she snickered.

When the doors opened, Gloria stepped silently onto the second floor with her hands in her pockets and her hood pulled over her head. From the corner of her eye, she saw Bede standing off to the side of what appeared to be a food vendor. He was ruffling through a brown paper bag, mumbling something just out of earshot.

Quickly, Gloria stepped out of sight behind a potted plant just right of the elevator, and waited as Bede started walking into view.

"I should probably go back up now—Gloria's bound to be here soon..."

She smirked from her hiding place, eyes glittering as he got closer to the elevator.

Then, pausing one last second, Gloria rushed around the plant and tossed her arms up in the air with a loud: "RAWR!"

Bede screamed, nearly dropping his bag as he stumbled backwards and fell onto his rear end. There was a brief pause before Gloria lifted her hood and began to laugh maniacally at his dispense.

"G-Gloria..." he gasped, eyes changing from terror to annoyance as he stood back up, "What the heck was that for!?" I nearly dropped my—" for some reason he paused, glanced at the bag, and mumbled, "stuff."

She was too busy laughing to notice the trip of his tongue, "I'm sorry—I couldn't help it!" she gasped, wiping away a tear, "I just saw you up here and thought I'd say hello," she grinned for another moment before removing the strap of Bede's duffel from around her front, "Here's your bag by the way. Thought I'd grab it for you."

"Ah... thanks," he took the bag into his hands and swiftly swung it across himself like Gloria had done, "I was just about to text you if you'd grab it."

Before either of them could continue talking, a sudden voice broke into their conversation.

"So this is where you've been hiding!"

Both of them spun around in surprise. Standing just before them at the entrance of the elevator was Marnie.

"Marnie!?" Bede gawked.

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