Charm and Intellect

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"What in the bloody name of Arceus are these!?" Bede screamed, flipping through the results of his photoshoot.

"Well they're your pictures, of course!" the photographer argued.

She was a stout woman—tall, but pudgy for her age, and she wore far too much makeup for someone in their late forties. Her clothes were frivolous, and her hair was wrapped in a posh bun on the top of her head.

Bede ignored the height difference, and angrily swore at the pictures.

"This is outrageous! There's not a single one that I like—they all make me look like some seductive, pretty-boy!" he groaned angrily, rubbing his eyes as he tossed the pictures over his shoulder, "This is the same problem you had last year. There was only one picture I liked even a LITTLE bit, and the rest were all too suggestive."

"Suggestive!?" she roared and picked up the pictures he so carelessly tossed aside, "Ha! These little beauties are what makes you your money, darling! Why do you think your female audience is so large, hmm? This is what one would call 'fan service'. There's nothing wrong with a sultry smirk over the shoulder, every once in a while!"

He glared harshly at her, and then turned away to cool off—realizing his temper was showing again.

"And in my defense," the woman went on, "You're the one who asked me how to pose! I told you, you could do whatever you wanted to, and you said: 'No thanks. Just tell me what to do so I can get this over with'. Isn't that right!?"

"My patience is running VERY THIN with you at the moment, ma'am," Bede snapped back at her, his jaw clenched firmly as he tried to restrain himself.

He huffed deeply, trying to find a solution.

I could always fire her, but there's not enough time to get anyone else. And I mean—she's a good photographer, she just has questionable tastes...

"Losing your mind?"

He jumped, surprised at the sudden appearance of another voice. He was greeted by a waterfall of sweet giggling, and upon recognizing it was Gloria, he felt some of his anger dissipate.

"Don't sneak up on me like that..." he grimaced, unable to stay mad at her.

"Sorry~" she smirked at him, "Anyways, what's the problem? Bad photoshoot?"

"Very." he cringed, "The woman's going senile! All she wants from me, are suggestive poses of me 'staring longingly into the camera' or whatever. It's really making me uncomfortable."

"Did she already take some pictures?" Gloria asked curiously.

"I mean yes, but it'll be better if you don't see—"

But she was already halfway across the room, a skip in her step as she paraded towards the photographer.

"HEY!" Bede yelled, darting forward to catch up with her

The pictures were already in her hands. One by one, she sifted through them—a satisfied smile across her face.

"Gloria! What do you think you're doing!? Those pictures are—"

"Lovely. That's all you need to know," the photographer interrupted, glaring sourly at Bede before he could dare challenge her.

"Well, I suppose they aren't that bad," Gloria shrugged, handing them back to Bede, "But if I'm being honest, they don't fit your personality at all."

He stared down at the pictures, judging them based off her remark. The first one, he was sitting on the edge of a bench, his back curved and his left hand running delicately through his curls as he stared over his shoulder at the camera. The second one, he had a single finger in front of his mouth, and his arms and legs were crossed delicately. The third one was by far his least favorite—the most suggestive of them all, as it featured him lying on his back, the camera at level with his head as it lolled over the edge with his two arms extended past his hair. The fourth one just had him bluntly blowing a kiss.

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