Chapter 19: Sherlock and Tumblr

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Sherlock, it's three am! Why are you up?! -JW

I seem to have managed to get myself engulfed in this.... Fandom nonsense. I can't get off Tumblr. -SH

Why did you go on Tumblr? -JW

Uhhhh -SH

Sherlock, tell me! -JW (comment if you noticed he used a comma 😂 *shamelessly self promotes chapter 1*)

I wanted to find out what Johnlock was. -SH

And I did. -SH

And the results are quite interesting. -SH that why I keep hearing you giggle? -JW

This fanfiction is cute! -SH

Aw no! -SH

No! No! They're describing Mycroft and Gavin kissing! -SH

It's... It's Greg. -JW

Bad fanfiction! Bad! -SH

No more reads for you! -SH

Hmph. -SH

Get over here so we can cuddle, you little hedgehog. -SH

Remind me to monitor what you look at on the Internet. -JW

And I am no hedgehog. -JW

Sure. We all believe you. Cuddles now, please! -SH

Coming. Coming. -JW

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