c h a p t e r - n i n e

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"Wow Agnes!" Hermione shouted running towards her. "You are really good," she said with sparkles in her eyes. "Thanks, I guess," Agnes responded and looked in Hermione's greenish eyes. They went to apply some polish on their brooms. Harry was in some kind of a shock. Maybe he was scared that Agne's is going to beat him in quidditch, or maybe he was just shock, that his friend is a natural talent just like him.

They were flying almost the whole hour. Agnes got a little bit tired, so she was relieved that the class ended. Still, she was figuring out, what will she do. She didn't even know, if she wanted to make it on the quidditch team. And if yes, what position would she want to play on?

This was in her mind for all of the afternoon. She decided to visit her sister, because maybe she will know what to do. Maybe, she will help her to decide. She went through the hallways. Then she turned left and went down the stairs. The Slytherin common room was in the cellar. It was a little cold down there, so she went back up for a sweater. She got herself a light blue one, that fitted with her today outfit, because she wanted to look nice in front of her new crush. Her outfit looked like this:

She saw him in the hallway yesterday and she couldn't take her eyes of him

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She saw him in the hallway yesterday and she couldn't take her eyes of him. He was so handsome. But the problem was that she was a Gryffindor, and he was a Slytherin. How could possibly those two houses bond?

She knocked on the entrance door, but no one answered. Then, a boy opened the doors. She slightly wanted him to be her crush, but he wasn't. He was Draco Malfoy. The boy that locked her sister into the cabin. 

"Hey pretty!" he said surprising Agnes with his reaction. "How was the night in the cabin?" he said after with a grin on his face. "I am Agnes," she said looking behind Draco. "Oh," his cheeks went red. "You look exact the same," he tried to get himself out of this.

"If you excuse me," Agnes said and went to the Slytherin common room. She went right to the girl's dorms. She saw her Twin right at the entrance. "Hi Hayley," Agnes said walking right in front of Hayley. "Hi Age," Ley said with a surprising face. She didn't really expect to see her sister here.

They talked about quidditch almost for an hour. Hayley said that Agnes should really do it, but the twin wasn't really sure. Agnes still didn't think that it was a good idea. She didn't even know what position she would audition for. But the worst thing from all of this was, that the auditions were the day after tomorrow.

After this whole conversation Agnes finally agreed. She will try to make it on the beater position, but she would take a chaser too. Hayley was really happy for her, but she was kind of jealous too. She didn't have something her sister had. Maybe Hayley will try out for the team too. Who knows?


hey there! Hope you like this Draco-meets-Agnes chapter. Do you have any idea, who will Agnes's crush be? I will maybe give you some hint in the next chapter, so be ready!



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