c h a p t e r - e l e v e n

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After the class she went to see Hermione. She thought that she would be disappointed that she lost some points to her house. "Hermione, I am really sorry that I have lost you the house points." Agnes apologized and looked at Hermione.

"No worries Agnes, I lost like two hundred of house points through the years." She said with a proud look and that made Agnes feel better. Now, she wasn't worrying about that anymore.

A few hours passed and now she was ready for her detention. She was scared a little bit, because Snape wasn't a teacher you would normally like to go to. His face was as cold as ice. His nose was as sharp as a knife. All these elements kept you thinking, if he ever had a girlfriend or a friend.

She went down the stairs to the cellar. There was the potion class. Agnes was really nervous, she imagined what work she will need to do. Maybe she will need to tidy up the room, or place potions in order to the shelves.

She knocked on the door, but no one answered. Maybe Snape forgot, or he was too busy to let her do her detention. She tried it again, but this time she heard a noise in the room. A few moments later the door finally opened.

To her surprise, it wasn't Professor Snape who was standing there. It was Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, the guy that visited them in their home in France.

"Oh, hello Agnes," Dumbledore said calmly and looked deep into her eyes. "What are you doing here in this nighttime dear?" he continued looking a bit worried. "I am here for my detention professor," Agnes replied strongly and looked down to the ground.

"Well, I didn't expect that," he said shocked. "There is a thing that I would like to discuss with you through," he really didn't stop talking there. They went into Snape's office and got seated. Severus wasn't at all a bad man. He brought some tea and chips to the table. 

It was weird for Agnes. It felt weird sitting next to two of her professors. She didn't even know them that properly. She knew it must be something important, or else Dumbledore wouldn't discuss it with her right now. Maybe he would invite her to his office instead.

"So, headmaster," professor Snape started with his cold toned voice. "what did you wanted to talk about?" he asked looking into Agnes's eyes, because he couldn't take them of off her.

"There is something really important," he looked at Agnes with his eyebrows coming up to his forehead. "Okay," she said feeling a little nervous. She really didn't know what was going on.

A few moments later another person walked into the room. Agnes was really surprised when she saw her sister in the doorstep. Hayley looked at her sister with a frightened look. She didn't know what was going on too.


Hey! do you guys have any idea, what will the news be?


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