c h a p t e r - s i x t e e n

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The quaffle, bludgers and the snitch were released into the air. Slytherin played against Gryffindor. Marcus was sitting in one of the towers and writing down notes. He had an important task to do today. He needed to pick his team for this season. The Gryffindor captain, Oliver Wood, did the same.

Hayley looked at Oliver in one moment. He was looking at her sis Agnes. "Maybe he finds her attractive or she just plays really well," Hayley thought and got jealous of her sister.

She saw a bludger and hit it so hard with anger. She was so angry that she didn't notice that the bludger was flying straight to her sister. Agnes didn't notice either, so the worst happened. Hayley's bludger hit Agnes and she fell to the ground.

Hayley's face turned so red at the moment. "What have I done?" she asked herself and looked down as madame Pomfrey took Agnes to the hospital wing. Hayley was feeling bad for her sister, but she was happy too, because of what Agnes thought of her.


The dinner has come. Hayley knew that the quidditch players would be announced there, so she needed to come. She had high hopes, because she knocked down one of the rival players. She hoped Flint saw that.

"Quiet," Dumbledore raised his voice. Every student shut their mouths in the exact same moment. Hayley could see that everyone had respect for Dumbledore. "The Gryffindor members are..." He started calling names. Then there was the turn for him to announce the beaters. Agnes had high hopes for herself. She knew that she was knocked, but I still thought that she played her best.

"And the last beater will be..." Dumbledore looked at the paper he had in his hands. "Agnes Rose!" Dumbledore said. Harry, Hermione and Ron congratulated her. She was filled with excitement. All of the Gryffindor students cheered. They were all so happy for her.

Now it was time to announce the Slytherin quidditch team. "And the last beater for Slytherin is..." Dumbledore stated and looked Hayley's way. "Hayley Rose," the slytherin table cheered. Hayley knew it. She knew she could make it.


Hayley's POV

"Look who is here," a voice approached me. And I knew exactly who it was. It was Draco Malfoy. "The cabin-girl made it to the team," he stated with a grin. 

"You really that surprised?" I shot back smiling. I knew he was in shock. He didn't think I would talk back to him after the last incident.

"In the matter of fact, yes," He smirked and looked at me. I looked down. I really didn't want to make eye contact with him. "Looked at me darling," he said angrily and turned by head with his hand.

"Sorry Malfoy, but I do not really have time to talk with you," I blew him a kiss with my hand and started to walk away. He grabbed my hand, so I screamed in pain.

"You never learn naughty girl," he smirked and took me somewhere I didn't know. I tried to get out of his grab, but it was too tight. I was hella scared. I screamed for help, but we were too far away, so nobody could hear us.

"Let go of me!" I cried with anger floating in my eyes. "If you cooperate I will," he stated with no emotions. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I knew I needed to be quiet. I wasn't finally fighting back, so we went quite faster. 

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