c h a p t e r - s e v e n t e e n

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This journey didn't end, so I needed to do something. I had my strength back, so I tried to run away. He ran after me. He was a boy, so he was quicker, I didn't stand a chance. He knocked me to the floor, so I hit my face really hard.

"Stupid girl," he simply said and tied my hands behind my back. He used a spell, so I couldn't move them. Then he tied my legs with the same spell. I could hardly move.

He grabbed me in his hands and continued to walk. I wasn't feeling good, so I fainted. It didn't know, but I think it scared Draco a little bit.

Agnes's POV

I still wasn't feeling so good after that bludger. But I was mad at my sister too. It is just a game and shouldn't have hit me with it. I know it guaranteed her a spot, but still.

I tried not to think about the boy. He was a Slytherin and I was a Gryffindor, so I think he wouldn't like me. I went to the dungeons hoping I will see him there. I knocked on the door, but nobody answered. I turned around to walk back up when somebody finally opened.

It was a black boy with black short hair. Blaise Zabini, the one I dreamed about. He was more handsome then ever.

"What are you doing here," he asked with a kind sweet voice.

"I was just going to look after my sister," I answered feeling like a fire ball. My cheeks were so hot. I knew I was sweating, but I couldn't stop. He was too handsome to handle.

"She's not here cutie," he said slightly sad. I wasn't because I didn't care about her. All I cared about in this moment was him. Blaise Zabini. The boy a had a crush on since the minute I walked in this school.

"That is fine darling," I laughed. He laughed with me until we stopped. We knew we had feelings for each other, but I think he wasn't the first one that wanted to tell me this.

"Okay, I will leave now then." I said with disappointment in my eyes. I turned around on my heels and started to walk away. I had a good feeling that he will try to stop me.

"Agnes, wait!" he shouted and ran back to me. "Don't you wanna have some company?" he asked not waiting for the answer.


We were running through the halls not stopping. Mr. Filch ran into us, when we were in the astronomy tower, so we needed to find a different spot. When we finally didn't see Filch running towards us, we went to the kitchens. Blaise said that we should take a break and maybe drink something.

Blaise is a very handsome and polite guy. If I didn't know he was a Slytherin, I would say he was a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor. I think he is very romantic too, but I guess I will see. I know it is too hard to believe that we are friends after a couple hours we talked, but we are.


Almost at the end of HP and the prisoner of Azkaban!!!

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