c h a p t e r - t e n

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When Agnes was walking from the Slytherin common room she noticed something. She was supposed to have potions now. She was supposed to be there three minutes ago!

She quickly ran up to get her potion books. Then, she ran back down to the cellar where her potion class took place. She opened the door right when her watch showed that she was exactly five minutes late. She quickly sat to the last spot, that wasn't taken. It was next to Hermione. The bad thing was, that it was right in the first row. She gasped with relieve. She didn't see the professor in the room, so she thought that he was late. But it wasn't the right thought. Right when she thought of this, a man walked in from the back of the classroom. "He was here all the time," she said to herself and tried not to look at him.

"Oh, I see," he started talking looking right on Agnes. "Miss Rose didn't think this class was important, so she came late." He sighted and walked to the front of the classroom.

"That is not exactly true," Agnes said looking right into the professor's eyes. He looked right back. He saw something in them. Something that he saw a long time ago, but he couldn't say what it was.

Her eyes looked exactly the same as his. There were black, empty but full of emotions inside them. It felt like Agnes saw deep in them. There, where Professor's Snape's darkest secrets were hidden. They were like in a trans. They weren't moving nor making any signs.

"Ehm ehm," Hermione said breaking the bond between Professor Snape and Agnes. He was like he woke up. "Miss Rose don't talk without premmision," he said with his cold face. "Ten points from Gryffindor," he said and continued with the lesson.

Agnes had a strange feeling. This professor was so familiar, like she saw him somewhere. Maybe he had this feeling too, the way he was looking at her...

She was disappointed in herself. She lost ten points to her house. What if they won't like her after this? She didn't pay attention because of her thoughts, so she didn't register that she was asked a question. Hermione poked Agnes in her shoulder. "What?" she asked aggressively leaving her classmates staring at her.

"Miss Rose," Snape said looking at her with a strict voice. "You were asked a question," he said calmly knowing, that Agnes didn't pay attention. "Oh sorry," she said getting back to her own thoughts.

Snape was looking at her for longer than thirty seconds. He couldn't believe the audacity that Agnes had. She didn't even bother to ask, which question she was asked.

"Miss Rose you have officially deserved detention!" he almost screamed. He thought that she will say something to her defense, but it didn't happen. She was just so lost in her thoughts that the rest of the world was a joke to her.


hey! So today we learned more about Agnes's personality. To summarise it, she is kind of ignorant, but I think there is so much more of her, to be discovered.

-have a great, the best day ever!


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