Chapter 4 - Invite

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Loki entered the large library holding your copy of Twelfth night, laughing quietly at your drawing of Malvolio being tormented. He heard a soft humming, fading in and out of focus as if busied with another task.

"You can learn a lot of things from the flowers, for especially in the month of June~"

The prince followed the voice down aisles, hearing it so close yet not a source in sight until he looked up the wooden ladder to see you dusting the top shelf.

"The golden afternoon~" making soft pops of your lips, you feel a presence and see Loki below you. "Oh!" Sliding down the ladder quickly, you curtsy for him. "Apologies, I wasn't aware you were there, my prince,"

"Don't be sorry, Y/n," he eyes the headphones. "What is that odd contraption?"

"Oh, it's a Walkman, I'm sure that's what it's called," unclasping it form your neck you hold it up. "If you would like to try it?"

"I'm intrigued,"

"Just put it over your ears," the cord untangled as it stretched up to his height. Clicking play, the tunes flowed out making him raise a brow. Confused he obviously was but it seemed he enjoyed it eventually.

"This is Midgard music?" Loki smiled softly.

"Yes, your highness, if I am correct it's a soundtrack for a film,"


"A moving picture with sound, I believe this one was animated," he hums to this before your eyes grow. "I'm also certain it is based on a book," the Walkman was shoved into his hands, your feet carrying you away to the Midgard classics section.

"Careful," Loki watched as the ladder wobbled slightly.

"Here it is," reaching the ground again your hold the book out for him.

"Alice's adventures in wonderland?" he handed over your device and flipped through the book. "Well, I will be sure to read this,"

"Tell me if you enjoy it, I'm waiting to get my own copy from the merchant,"

"You do not own a copy?"

"No, I do not, but I hope to get a review from you before I spend my money on a copy," you curtsy. "Apologies, my prince, I think I should continue my chores before Missus Diana scolds me,"

"Of course, good day, Y/n,"

"Good day," you stuff the Walkman in your apron and walk to the door. "My queen," You curtsy for Frigga. "Excuse me,"

"Of course," she smiles warmly before laying eyes on Loki. "Tell me you did not scare the girl,"

"I did no such thing," Loki taps his knuckles against the hardcover. "She is an odd one, awfully interested in Midgardian culture,"

"A new companion,"

"She outruns my silver tongue and wit, It's an impressive change,"

Frigga tilts her head knowingly. "A new muse?"

"She graces my thought respectively, I was leant her copy of a Midgard play, her annotations keep my interest,"

"Turn this not into more, your father will not be pleased to hear of your conversing with a maid,"

"He's not my father, but you are my mother, therefore I care only for your thoughts," Loki clutched her hands. "But I assure you she is a friend, I don't care to date a servant,"

"And here it is, your ego flooding in with denial," she gave him a pinch on the cheek.

"You jest, yes?"

"Oh, of course," Frigga hums before walking to the elder scrolls located on the shelves. "Enjoy the book, my son!"


Days passed and you hadn't seen Prince Loki. You never did before your interaction in the kitchen but you admitted to missing his presence. He had quite the personality that mused you, elegant and clever.

Maids who often scorned you soon flocked for your attention to the point of suffocation.

Diana or Bjorn were often your saviors, dragging you away for chores as a distraction. Passing the family tapestry made personally by Frigga, you smile at the sight of Loki's figure stitched perfectly.

You took out the Walkman and fiddled with the cassette. A whole hearted laugh knocked you away from thought, it seemed Prince Thor and his companions had arrived back from hunting.

You curtsy as they passed but were stopped by the older prince. "Maid, what is that you hold?"

Realizing the cassette still in hand you hide it quickly. "A Midgardian device, My prince,"

"Midgardian?" you knew of his love for the realm, in fact he did have a lover there. "Is that a... phone?"

"A Walkman, your highness, an older device which requires less time to tend to," keeping your head down his beaming smile could be felt.

"I admire you, what is your name?"

"Y/n, your majesty,"

"Well, Y/n, I invite you to join us for a drink, if you wish?"

This left you gobsmacked, your eyes ditching the floors to look up. "I do not wish to intrude-"

"I insist! It will be much fun to talk about Earth with someone who admires their culture," the prince gestures to the warriors. "They find it dull,"

"We must change their minds, I'm sure," you curtsy.

"Indeed," he kisses your hand. "Tonight, I'm sure around 8 in will do?"

"Yes, of course, my prince,"

"Wonderful! Sif will escort you to the lounge,"

You meet eyes with the goddess of war, filled with skill to match any opponent; you truly admired her. For she embodied Heroines from tales across the realms.


 In this universe Loki doesn't attack New York or anything, Thor still meets Jane and such

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In this universe Loki doesn't attack New York or anything, Thor still meets Jane and such.

Hope that clears things up

- Anna ❤️

Status: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now