Chapter 1: Prologue

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The Gummi shuttle has exited out of the portal, and has arrived at a new world. Kai and his friends are still getting used to this. Everyone looks out the window, and see the stars around, and the earth below. 

Kai: Wow. This is truly amazing.

Sora: Yeah, it is. I felt the same way when I first flew in the ship. 

Momo: The stars are so beautiful in space. My mother always believe that the stars are the spirits from heaven. 

Kairi: Angel spirits. 

Sae: You know, guys? Did I ever tell you I studied dinosaurs?

Toji: You did?

Sae: Yep. My dad helped me studied the bones, and the books. He was a Paleontologist for 20 years. He retired when I was 12.

Momo: I heard dinosaur fossils are worth millions. 

Kai: Yeah. I remember a friend of ours. He said his uncle discovered a big skeleton of a T-Rex in one of the deserts in Utah. Since he discovered it, he and his family were offered a million dollars in exchange for the skeleton.

Riku: Dang, that's a lot. 

Sae: Yeah, it is. My dad got the same when he discovered fossils too. 

Donald: (Looks at the monitor) Hmm. Hey, everyone. 

Sora: What is it, Donald?

Donald: Remember the new system that alerts us that any world we come across to has the cards?

Namine: Yeah. Why? Is it detecting more cards in that world?

Donald: Looks like it. And something tells me that Maleficent will send her Heartless down there on the earth. 

Kairi: He's right. We'd better get down there, and check it out. And maybe we'll find more allies down there to help us out. 

Goofy: Yeah. 

Roxas: Come on, let's get going. 

They all run to the other room to get ready for departure. Meanwhile, at the castle of dark illusions, Maleficent and her minions are watching the crystal ball of the monsters fighting Mr. Volcano. 

Pete: These monsters of theirs are really powerful. We must destroy them all, and fast.

Invader: If the flame emperor returns, and the heroes are not destroyed, he won't be happy. 

Doma: He's right. The emperor won't be pleased. 

Dark Assailant: Oh, dear. I don't even want to imagine what he'll do if he sees this. 

Fear: Daddy.

Maleficent looks at her, knowing she's still thinking of her father. She really hopes that he'll return. With his powers with hers, they'll both be unstoppable. The heroes would never stand a chance against them. She looks at the crystal ball again, and she sees that the heroes are heading down to a new world. She starts to study this new world to look for ways to summon another monster down there to fight the heroes. In the world, the heroes land in a desert area. They all look around. 

Sora: Where are we? 

Kai: I don't know. This doesn't look like the Mojave Desert. Looks like we're in another desert in the country. 

Momo: Yeah. Doesn't look Utah though. Let's walk around to see where we are. 

Riku: Good idea. 

Namine: Yes, let's go. 

They all walk through the desert. They've walk through the desert for over an hour. Just then, they finally come to a dig site. They see some trailers and equipment. 

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