Chapter 3: The diggers, and Hammond's invitation

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Badlands, near Snakewater, Montana. 

In Badlands, the heroes are helping the diggers dig up some new dinosaur bones. They carefully brush, and clean off the dirt and rocks off the bones. Sora and Kai look at the skeleton, and see it's a skeleton of a predator dinosaur. Tyler finds a fossilized claw. He looks at it, and gives it to his dad. 

Tyler: Check it out, dad. 

Alan takes it, and looks at it. He smiles, and nods at Tyler. Tyler smiles back at him. Tyler told Sora and his friends about him and his dad. His parents were married at a time, but they divorced when he was one year old. After he left, his mother took care of him. When he was nine years old, his mother was killed in a car crash. And since he had no one else, the police took him to his dad, and he lived with him ever since. He learned a lot in school before his mom's death, and he knows a lot about dinosaurs. Something his dad is proud of. Tyler hopes that he'll become like his dad someday. And he'll be more proud of. Sora looks at him, and pats his back. Tyler chuckles at that. 

Man: Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, we're ready to try again. 

Alan stands up with his son. He sighs. 

Alan: I hate computers. 

Ellie: The feeling's mutual. (Chuckles) 

They all walk down the hill to check out if they can see what kind of dinosaur they found. Two men are on a ground penetrating radar. They load it with ammo, and then, they fire down on the ground. It made a loud explosion noise. Sora and his friends cover their ears from that.

Kai: Dang. That was loud. 

Riku: Yep.

Worker: You'll get a reading from that. Take a look.

Everyone gathers around as a worker works on the computer. He types on it to get it to get the image. 

Ellie: Did it work? How long does this take?

Worker 2: It should bring an immediate return. You shoot the radar into the ground, and the bone bounces the image back. Bounces it back. 

Everyone looks as the computer beeps. And the image shows the dinosaur skeleton on screen. And then image shows the skin on it, revealing it to be a predator dinosaur. 

Computer operator: This new program's incredible. A few more years' development, and we won't even have to dig anymore. 

Alan: Where's the fun in that?

Ellie: (Chuckling, holds his arm)

Computer operator: It's a little distorted, but I don't think it's the computer. 

Ellie: Oh. (Walks to the computer) Postmortem contraction of the posterior neck ligaments. (To Alan) Velociraptor?

Alan: Yes, good shape too. It's five, six feet high, I'm guessing nine feet long. (Touches screen) Look at the extraordinary--

The computer goes static as Alan touches it. He removes his finger, and the image comes back. 

Computer operator: What'd you do?

Ellie: He touched it. (Laughing) Dr. Grant's not machine compatible. 

Alan: Heck, they've got it in for me. 

Sora: I know how that feels. Some machines got it in for me too.

Tyler: Dang. (Chuckles)

Alan: (Looks at the image) And look at the half-moon shaped bones in the wrist. It's no wonder these guys learned how to fly. 

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