Chapter 8: Shutdown!

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The storm has reached the island, and it's making waves rough and hitting the shores of the island. Back in the control room, Dennis and his partner is talking to someone on one of Dennis' computers. It shows the dock where the boat is at. The person on the line talks to them as waves and rain hits on him. 

Man on line: There's nothing I can do. The captain says we gotta go, we gotta go! 

Dennis: No, no, listen. You gotta give me the time. I did a test run on this thing, it took me twenty minutes. I could maybe push it to eighteen, but you gotta give me at least fifteen minutes. Give me fifteen minutes.

Man on line: No promises!

The man hangs up the phone, and the monitor goes blank. Dennis and his partner look at John and the others, and sigh. John is looking at his amber with a mosquito in it on top of his cane, with a frowned look on his face. 

Ray: Visitor vehicles are returning to the garage. 

John: (Sighing) So much for our first tour. Two no-shows and one sick triceratops. 

Ray: It could've been worse, John.

Winter: A lot worse. 

Dennis: Anybody want a soda or something?

Everyone turns to look at Dennis as his partner leaves the control room. 

Dennis: Because I'm going to the machine while my partner is going to the bathroom. I thought, you know, maybe I'd get somebody something. Because I've had only sweets, and I'm gonna something salty. I thought maybe somebody would, uh-- Oh, uh, I finished debugging the phones. I was gonna debu-- So I did. 

Ray and Winter are rolling their eyes from his talking, for he is annoying them. 

Dennis: You told me to, uh, so I debugged the phones. And I thought maybe, uh, I should tell you the system is gonna be compiling...for, uh, eighteen to twenty minutes. So some of the minor systems might go on or off, but it's nothing to worry about. It's a simple thing. 

Ann shakes her head as she walks to her dad. She then sees Dennis doing something on his computer. He also set the timer on his watch as he clicks on the mouse. She frowns at this. Back on the tour road, the tour vehicles are driving down the road as rain is pouring down hard, and thunder is rumbling. Tyler and Ruby decided to ride with Lex and Tim. Yang decides to ride with Sora, Riku, Ian, and Alan. And Jaune rides with two of his friends. 

Sora: Well, so much for the tour. 

Yang: Yeah. At least we got to see the trike. 

Riku: Yep. I just hope Kairi, Momo, and Ellie will be okay in this storm. 

Sora: I'm sure they will. Hey, Alan. What does Tyler want to do when he grows up?

Alan: Well, he said he wants to be like me. He knows lots about dinosaurs. He's gonna work his way through college, and I will support him. 

Yang: You really care about him, don't you?

Alan: Yeah. Although at the time, while he first lived with me, we barely got used to each other. (To Ian) You got any kids?

Ian: Me? Oh, oh, heck, yeah, five. I love kids. 

Yang: Oh, really?

Ian: Hmm. Anything at all can and does happen. Same with wives, for that matter. 

Alan: You married? 

Ian: Occasionally. Uh, yeah, I'm always on the lookout for a future ex-Mrs. Malcolm. 

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