Chapter 9: The tyrannosaurus Rex

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Back with the vehicles, they have the tyrannosaur paddock. The goat is still behind the fence, chained, and bleating in the rain. The storm is pouring down rain hard. Alan is talking to Gennaro after talking with the others in the cars. He finishes talking to Gennaro, and runs back to the second car. He hops back in. 

Sora: Well?

Alan: Everyone's radios are out too. Gennaro said to stay put. 

Ian: Kids okay?

Alan: I didn't ask. Why wouldn't they be?

Ian: Kids get scared. 

Alan: What's to be scared about? It's just a little hiccup in the power. 

Ian: I didn't say I was scared. 

Alan: I didn't say you were scared. 

Ian: I know. 

Yang: I wonder what did happen?

Riku: Probably just because of the storm. It knocked out the power. 

In the lead car, Tyler and Ruby are sitting in the back with Lex. Gennaro is resting in the driver's seat. Suddenly, Tim pops up from the passenger seat, wearing goggles. 

Tim: Boo! 

Lex gasps with Ruby as Tyler jumps. They all sigh as Gennaro sees Tim wearing the goggles. 

Gennaro: Hey, where did you find those?

Tim: Under my seat. 

Gennaro: Are they heavy?

Tim: Yeah. 

Gennaro: Then they're expensive. Put 'em back. 

Gennaro rests his eyes again as he lays back. Tim simply ignores that, and puts them on, and crawls into the back. 

Tyler: Hey, watch it, man. 

Lex: (Hits him with her hat) Don't scare me. 

Ruby: Lex, you know Timmy's just playing. 

Tim crawls into the far back, and he turns on the goggles, and zooms out. The goggles whirrs as they turn green. Tyler watches him. 

Tim: Oh, cool. Night vision. 

Tyler: Night vision? Let me see that. 

Tim hands him the goggles, and he puts them on. He looks at the fence, and sees the goat. It continues bleating. He chuckles, and looks at the second car. He sees his dad getting rain water in his water bottle. Alan finishes getting the water, and closes the door. He drinks some, and hands it to Ian. 

Sora: How do you think we have to wait, Alan?

Alan: I don't know. Hopefully, not too long. Someone's bound to know we're stuck, and is coming to get us. 

Yang: I just hope the power turns back on. 

In the third car, Weiss is talking to Blake, as Jaune is in the back with his friends. 

Weiss: How can the storm take out the whole power?

Blake: I don't know. 

Jaune: Do you think your sister will come out here looking for us, Weiss?

Weiss: Yeah. But she'll probably have to wait until the storm clears. 

Nora: (Sighs) You know, I was really hoping to see more dinosaurs than just one sick triceratops. 

Ren: Maybe we'll see some tomorrow. 

Back in the first car, Lex is fanning herself with her hat. Tyler and Tim are still using the goggles, when suddenly, they both feel something, and they hear a booming noise. 

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