Chapter 2: Monster in a box

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Isla Nublar, 120 miles west of Costa Rica. 

It's all quiet on the island of Isla Nublar. Jungle sounds are in the air, along with insects. And suddenly, the bushes and branches begin rustling, like something is coming through them. A bunch of men in uniforms with helmets on that say, "Jurassic Park", and weapons stand ready as they look at the moving branches and bushes. And a rumbling noise is heard as the branches continue snapping, like something big is walking through them. With the men, a Conservation officer with them, carrying a shotgun. With him, is a teenage girl with long blond hair. They both watch the branches moving. Just then, an engine is heard. It turns out to be a forklift, carrying some of cage. Everyone watches as it approaches a holding fenced enclosure. 

Man: Everybody, heads up! Heads up! Keep clear! Keep it clear! Ok, down! Keep it going! Come on! 

Two men are shouting in English and Spanish together. The forklift lowers the cage down on a concrete path near the enclosure. Everyone looks at the cage. The officer and the girl look at it too. 

Officer: (Looks at some men) Ok, pushing team, move in there. 

Man: Move it!

Officer: I want tasers on full charges. 

The pushing team move in to move the cage forward at the enclosure. Just then, something squeals and growls in the cage. The team jump a little as the cage starts moving. 

Officer: Come on, step back in. And push!

The team grab ahold of the cage, and push it forward towards the enclosure entrance. The cage reaches the entrance, and it locks into position. 

Officer: We're locked. Loading team, step away. Gate keeper!

 The team steps away from the cage, and a man climbs up on a ladder on the cage. The girl keeps watching as she stands closer to the officer. 

Girl: Daddy, I don't know about this. I got a bad feeling about this. 

Officer: It's gonna be okay, Ann. (To Gate keeper) Jophery, raise the gate.

Jophery then begins to open up the gate of the cage, for the animal to go into the enclosure. But instead of going into the enclosure, the animal howls loudly, and slams into the back of the cage, causing it to go backwards. Jophery is knocked off from the sudden shake, and he falls to the ground. His helmet is also off. The cage knocks down two men. The alarm goes off, as Jophery rolls on his chest, panting. His legs are in front of the entrance of the cage. The animal grabs his leg, and pulls him. He screams as the animal tries to pull him into the cage. He grabs ahold of the cage, to stop himself from going inside. 

Ann: Jophery! Dad, help him!

Officer: (To men) Block the opening! Don't let her get out! 

The men rush to the cage, shooting tasers into the cage. The officer puts down his weapon, and pulls Jophery. He continues screaming in fear as the animal continues to try to get him inside. The animal then lifts him up, but he still holds on to the cage. The officer continues trying to save him. The men are all shouting as they try to stun the animal. The animal howls loudly. 

Officer: Work her back!

More men continue firing their tasers in the cage. The tasers are hardly having effect on the animal. Ann comes in to help her father to save Jophery. They both look in the cage, and they see the animal's face and eyes. They see nothing but a killer machine in its eyes. It snarls as it is still trying to pull Jophery in. He continues screaming in fear and agony. Ann and her father try to hold onto him as some men try to close the gate.

Officer: Shoot her! SHOOT HER!!!

Ann tries to hold onto Jophery's hand, but the animal is pulling him in. Jophery lets out a loud scream as the animal pulls him in the cage, and it begins to feast on him. Gunshots are heard. 

Mano De Dios amber mine, Dominican Republic. 

It is now daytime. A business man in a suit is on a raft with a woman with long white hair. The raft is being pulled in. A man with a hat is waiting for him. He speaks in Spanish to himself as the raft makes it to shore. Another man puts a wooden board for the man and woman. They both walk on it and shake hands with the man.

Man: Hola, Juanito.

Juanito: Hola. Bienvenido. Hola, Winter. 

Winter: Hola.

They both walk with him to a mine, where people are working. 

Man: What's this I hear at the airport? Hammond's not even here?

Juanito: He sends his apologies. 

Man: We are facing a $20 million dollar lawsuit by the family of that worker, and you're telling me that Hammond can't even be bothered to see me?

Juanito: He had to leave early. He wants to be with his daughter. She's getting a divorce. 

Man: Well, I understand that, but we've been advised to deal with the situation now. The insurance company--(Trips)

Winter: (Helps him up) You okay? 

Man: (Nods, looks at Juanito) The underwriters feel that the accident has raised...some very serious safety questions about the park. That makes the investors very, very anxious. I had to promise to conduct a very thorough on-site inspection. 

Winter: Inspection? Mr. Gennaro, are you serious?

Juanito: (Looks at him) She's right. Hammond hates inspections. They slow everything down.

Gennaro: Juanito, they'll pull the funding. That'll slow him down even more. 

Just then, a worker comes up to Juanito, speaking in Spanish to him. He speaks back to him, and he follows him into the mine. Winter and Gennaro follow him. In the mine, miners are working and digging. Gennaro hits his head as he comes in with Juanito and Winter. He yells in pain.

Juanito: Watch your head. 

He walks over to a digger, who just discovered an amber. He's clearing off the debris and rocks off it. Juanito walks over to him.

Gennaro: If two experts sign off on the island, the insurance guys will back off. I've already got Ian Malcolm, but they think he's too trendy. They want Alan Grant. 

Juanito: Grant? Ha. You'll never get him out of Montana. (Takes the amber and looks at it) 

Gennaro: Why not?

Juanito shouts out in Spanish for the miners. They all walk over to him as he shows them the amber. 

Gennaro: Why not?

Juanito: Because Grant's like me. He's a digger. (Chuckling)

He speaks in Spanish as he continues looking at the amber. Inside it, is a fossilized mosquito. Winter looks closely at it. She knows what this means. 

Here's the second chapter of Kingdom Hearts: Jurassic Park. Let me know what you all think of it. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.        

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