Chapter Sixteen

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Months seemed to fly, and the pregnancy was going very well. My relationship with River had grown, but he hadn't opened up very much about his childhood. It was a struggle, but I knew things like that took time. Tonight, we had a dinner with his dad, and I was dreading it. I was seven months pregnant now, and my belly was huge. River embraced everything, the stretch marks, the extra weight, and the acne. We couldn't wait to welcome our handsome son into the world. Our name options were still in the works.

"Babe, are you ready to go?" River's voice scared me, but I quickly finished putting my mascara on and appeared in the front room.

"Ready as I'll ever be, love." River looked me up and down. He told me I had to dress nice because his dad was rich, and every dinner was a formal dinner. I put on my beautiful white maternity gown that had red and pink roses all over it. Considering it's a gown, it's length expanded below my ankles and dragged a little bit. I put on my black flats. I had also curled my hair and put very minimal makeup on. I could only hope I looked okay.

" looked amazing Lauren." Every time he would tell me that, it always caused my cheeks to turn red.

"Well, you look even better in that tux. You're just as breathtaking as the day I met you." We kissed then walked out the door and locked up our apartment. We got into River's car, and he drove us to his dad's. When he pulled up, the house was huge.

"Hey, you might want to stop drooling." I smacked him on the arm.

"I've never been inside a house this huge." We stepped out of the car and a guy that looked like a butler parked it for River. We walked in and were greeted by a man that looked like an older, worn out, version of River, accompanied by a beautiful aged woman on his side.

"Lauren, this is Rodger, my father." I held my hand out for him to shake and he gracefully took it.

"River, Lauren, this is Lisa. My fiance." I saw a glint of anger flash through River's eyes. I squeezed his hand hoping it would calm him down. He relaxed, and I took a breath of relief. I knew this whole situation was hard for him. After we exchanged our hellos with Lisa, we went to the dining room and sat down. We ate the delicious food that Lisa had provided, and talked a lot. Once we had finished eating, I accompanied Lisa in the kitchen as per requested.

"I figured we could give the boys some alone time to talk. Plus, I knew you'd be happy to help me prepare the dessert." I smiled at her, she was so lovely.

'You're a lovely person, Lisa. However, I have got to use the bathroom. Mind pointing me in the right direction?"

"Absolutely." She then gave me directions to the bathroom. I found it, and did my business. On the way back to the kitchen, Rodger's voice caught my attention. I started eavesdropping on their conversation.

"River, she's a poor woman, who is only with you to take your money. How could you be so careless? Getting her pregnant? What have I raised you to become?" I heard River sigh.

"Please, for once in your life don't be disappointed in me. I love Lauren, and there's nothing that's going to change that."

"Son, I am warning you. Women like her don't date for love. They date for money. She's a gold digger. I bet her mother is a whore. I bet she'll leave the minute you give her any money and she'll scam you." I was pissed and balled my hands into fists. Before River could retaliate, I burst through the door into the room.

"I am not a whore, and neither is my mother. I may not be rich like you, but I'm not a deceiving bitch that is using River for his money. I'm not some whore that's been around the block, nor will I ever be a whore. This baby is just as unexpected for me as it is for River, and I'm happy to raise my child with him because I can't think of a man more capable. And believe me when I say River will never be the father you were. Now if you'll excuse me, it's clear I'm not welcome here. I'll be leaving." I grabbed my jacket and put it on, walking out the front door of the house.

"Lauren! Wait!" River was chasing after me, but I didn't feel like talking.

"I need some space, River. I'll just meet you at home." I faintly heard River sigh, and stop walking. I, however, kept walking until my feet and back were killing me. I sat down on a bench under a street light. As I sat there staring at the light above me, I started dozing off. I was the perfect temperature, and I didn't even care if I was uncomfortable. The next morning the sun hit me, and I woke up. I looked around, and realized I had slept here. I found my phone in my pocket, and saw a dozen missed calls from River, and even more texts. I started to respond to him, and then my phone died. I got up, and knew I would be walking home.

"Lauren! Where have you been? You scared me!" It took me an hour to walk home.

"My phone died, or I would've called." RIver grabbed my arm and helped me to the couch. He put my stool in front me to get the swelling in my feet to go down. He brought me water, and then sat next to me.

"I thought maybe you were never coming back..." I looked up at River. I caressed his cheek in my hand.

"I would never do that to you, River." He nodded.

"Lauren..I think I'm ready to open up to you." I was shocked to hear these words come out of his mouth.

"Okay, I'm ready to listen to whatever you want to tell me." River nodded his head and took a deep breath.

"My dad was an alcoholic, and my mom killed herself. Of course you already knew that. I'm mad that my dad is engaged. He has treated this woman way better than he ever treated my mother, and that makes me sick. He gets to act like he never hurt her, or me. He used to hit me when I made my own decisions. I don't drink because I act like him. I'm mean, and I hate myself when I'm like that. He took my world from me, Lauren. He was so demanding, and he still is. I know he still drinks. Lisa calls me for advice all the time. There's been times when my dad has put my mom in the hospital, almost dead, and he just forgets about it." I nodded. His dad was being totally unfair to all of them.

"I'm so sorry River." As the night went on, he opened up more and more. He told me that his dad scared off the one girl he was serious about before me, told me he made his mom miscarry his baby sister. The numerous times he was beat and his mom was beat. Everything River had been through was terrible. He came from a seriously broken home.

"Lauren, are you okay?" I realized I had been quiet for awhile.

"Yes, I'm okay. Are you okay? I know that everything you told me wasn't easy."

"Yes, of course. This is all in the past. And while I'm still mad at my father, I'm simply okay because I'm happy with you." River made me smile. He always managed to put a smile on my face. I loved this man.

"River, I love you." River froze.

"Lauren...I haven't heard you say that before.." I nodded.

"I know, and I mean it. I love you River, and it feels amazing to say that." River jumped and bent over to kiss me.

"I think we should go to bed Lauren. It's late, and you need rest."

"Without dinner though?" My tummy grumbled after I asked my question. River proceeded to cook us mac n cheese, and then we went to bed. 

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