Chapter Five

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"Lauren, wake up. Class started an hour ago." Alyssa was pounding on my door. Staying out with River all night was a terrible idea, but well worth it. I opened up to him. I showed him a vulnerable side of me last night. I got up and threw a clean pair of sweats on and my black hoodie.

"I'm up! Calm down." The pounding on my door stopped, and footsteps receded. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and checked my phone. I had a message from River.

River: Last night was amazing. Let's do it again. I want to get closer to you. Sleep well buttercup.

Me: Good morning grump. Hope you didn't sleep in late like I did. Over 30 minutes late to classes, yikes!

I locked my phone and threw on some shoes. I then went to my class. The professor didn't notice me sneaking in. A couple students turned their heads, but nothing horrible. It was my lucky day, Professor Chrome hadn't taken attendance yet.

I glanced around the room only to see River gone. Did he always skip classes? With his reputation, he must've. I sighed, this room felt empty without him. I checked my phone, but hadn't received any messages.

Thankfully classes went by fast. Before I knew it, I was home. I pulled out my textbooks and laptop. I would do homework. After three hours, I had finally finished and shut my laptop down. I checked my phone and still had no messages. I suddenly got a notification. Someone was requesting to message me over facebook. I accepted to see it was Molly.

Molly: Poor girl, wondering where River's been all day. I saw you constantly checking your phone today. Well here, he's with me. Stay away from my man bitch. He doesn't want you.

I sighed, and decided not to respond. She was so full of crap. Alyssa came crashing into my bedroom, scaring me. She smelt like liquor, and her mascara was running down her cheeks.

"Lauren, I'm a terrible friend. Has River told you yet? It's so vital that you know." I furrowed my eyebrows. What the hell was Alyssa talking about? She then went to her room and slammed her door shut. I dialed River's number. All I got was his voicemail. I did it again, and still got his voicemail. I sighed frustratingly. Where was he? I rolled my eyes and decided to just go to bed. I felt wide awake, but drifted off to sleep quickly.

My alarm sounded through the still room waking me up. I shut it off and dreadingly rolled out of bed. I checked my phone, still no messages from River. I really must've scared him off. I always thought the worst when it came to these situations. I couldn't help but let my mind wander while I was in the shower. I got out and wrapped the towel around me. I grabbed my phone and checked it. Still nothing from River. I went back to my room to get dressed. I slid my panties on underneath my towel and dropped the towel to my ankles.

"Wow...I thought you'd be more attentive to your surroundings." I jumped for the towel and turned to where the voice was coming from. It belonged to none other than River.

"What are you doing here, River? You've ignored me for almost three days." He sighed and looked at his feet. I cleared my throat still only in my panties.

"I had to deal with some stuff. Molly was on my back and I had to get her off me." I glanced at him through my lashes. I turned my back to him and dropped my towel again. I did it on purpose to intimidate him. I heard a gasp from him and smirked slightly. I leaned over and grabbed my bra. I only had matching sets. I clipped my bra in one smooth motion and reached for my pants. River grabbed my wrist and spun me around. He buried his nose in my neck and breathed in.

"River.." My voice drifted into a whisper. He moved his mouth beside my ear and grabbed my hips tighter.

"You're killing me, Lauren." He whispered slowly, his breath flowing down my neck. Goosebumps flew down my spine. I backed away from River, and moved his hands off my hips. I smirked and looked at him. His face was bright red.

"I know I am." With that, I pulled my pants and shirt on quickly. It was supposed to rain today, so I put my windbreaker on for a little warmth. River stared at his feet and remained silent. I cleared my throat. He then looked up at me.

" go." I nodded. I grabbed my keys and backpack. I then grabbed his arm before he could take another step.

"Alyssa told me there was something that you haven't told me that makes her a terrible friend from keeping it from me. Until you tell me, you'll have to live with distance between us." I then stepped in front of him and went to the door. I held it open for River to leave so I could lock it behind him. After I locked up, I went to class.

Classes went by fast as I already found myself at home doing homework. My mind was distracted on River. I heard a knock at the door and opened it up.

"River..what are you doing here?" He sighed and cleared his throat.

"I came to talk to you about what Alyssa said." I nodded and let him in. I grabbed a soda from the fridge and sat down opening it. I took a drink and burped.

"Explain yourself, River. Before you run out of time."

"Okay. Well, Molly sees us as a thing. She makes everyone's life a living hell if they show any interest in me. So watch your back."

"I already know about Molly. She doesn't scare me." River sighed in relief and looked at me.

"I had sex with her last night." My eyes widened and the shock was visible.

"Why does that concern me?" River looked confused.

"You're not mad at me or anything?"

" We hang out, but we aren't dating or anything. Why would I be mad?" He was relieved with my answer.

"Right, I just wanted to make sure. That was all. Also, there's a party tonight. You and Alyssa are invited. Here's the address." I nodded and took the piece of paper from him.

"I'll talk to her. See you later River." He hugged me and then left. I went back to my room and finished up my homework. Eventually, the front door slammed. Alyssa was home and I could talk to her. She came into my room and saw me.

"How are you?"

"I'm good. River and I talked today and everything is fine. I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to this party tonight." She nodded with a smile.

"I'll go get ready right now!" 

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