Fatal Impact

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The upbeat music, incoherent voices, and the flashing of the colorful bar lights dominated the entire atmosphere. The unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke and the strong liquor invades her nostrils as she approaches him. A wide grin broke into his lips after the lady stands next to him.

"Wanna drink with me?" His lips fixed into a smirk as he saluted his glass to her.

She is dressed in a black elegant Chanel short dress with a fairly low neckline, showing the top of her breasts. And, guess what causes him to grin like that?

She flashes a playful smile, "Sure."

He orders her a drink and passes it to her. The latter sips with a fine drink and let the fluid run through her throat, slipping to her empty stomach. The taste is horrible and can't be sustained but she has to.

Shaking the contents of his glass he asked, "So, what's your name?"

"Jane." She muttered.

He smirks with content, "I'm pleased to meet you, mademoiselle. I'm Taehyung, if you may call."

She leans over, giving him a better view of her breast. Taehyung drinks his liquor in a fast gulp with his eyes burning into a familiar lust.

"Wanna dance?" He suggested.

She nods her head and curved a smile, "Why not?"

As they step on the dance floor, she swayed her hips seductively and pulls him closer to her. They danced until the music breaks and his lips rapidly crashed against her. She inches away to blow a whisper near to his ear, "Do you want to go somewhere... more private?"

"Your place or mine?" he asked.

She shrugs, "You decide."

He grins in return and finally gave in, "Alright my place, let's get to my office."

She nods her head and followed his tracks to his work building. He leads the way towards the workplace, constructed into a modern glass exterior. She noticed those five cameras facing the entrance of the building.

Taehyung uses his key card to enter the elevator, as they enter within, she happens to see the digital camera detecting their actions at the corner. He pressed in a code and the elevator began to rise. As it does, he pulls her to kiss her again, the door pings open and they break from their kisses. She followed him down the hall into his office.

"Does your office has a surveillance camera?" She asked.

Taehyung shook his head, she felt a sudden strike of ease. She started to walk over him locking her arms around his neck and whispered to his ear, "You know what I like to do, now?"

Taehyung smiled with delay, "What?"

"This, bitch!" She firmly stabs his nape with a syringe, injecting him. Taehyung touches his nape as his body collapses on the floor.

He isn't dead yet, he just passed out. He will wake up tomorrow with no memory of what happened tonight and he will only feel like he has a major hangover, that's how powerful liquid narcotics are.

She presses her earpiece and draws a sigh, "What now?"

Meet Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, the heiress of Kim's family, that nearly surpasses the top families around the world. Apart from that, they own several companies across the nations by which it provides a passive income that can almost feed the entire population of Asia. But, it's yet to be done, for she works as the top-secret agent in one of the largest secret special forces of South Korea, the SSF organization.

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