Chapter 001 | The Prelude of Fate

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The howling of the wind brought her eyes to open. Where was I? Focusing in the dark of night, confusion washed over her as she came to realize she was in the tunnel. In a distance, a small light started to form, she squinted her eyes to narrow down her vision to make sure that she was seeing a light. The need to move started her forward though, her heartbeat corresponds to every step that she made. She stared in horror and the smell became all too obvious that she even felt the need to vomit. Her stomach flipped as she proceeds with going onwards. She then stops from getting any closer when she caught something, tears were beginning to well in her eyes.

"Mom... we-wake up..." The young girl cradled the body of her mom upon her lap. She was crying, begging, and shaking her mom's body to wake her up. It pained her, knowing that she will grow up without having a mom.

She seemed deaf and cannot hear the blubber of a child throughout the setting. She was just watching and letting everything play out at its best. She felt the urge to help them but something is holding her back. Her breathing becomes shallow and her world is shattering into hundreds of pieces as she examines the child's mother. She looks so vulnerable at that stage, she could see the cut from her lips so as the bruises around her body. She was flogged, the child's mother was tortured and she knows it. And, the blood. The metallic smell was filling her nostrils but she doesn't acknowledge it. She just watched how the child tries to cover the stomach of her mom to stop the blood from cascading down the pavement.

"Mom..." The child mourned out loud.

The police cars emerged from nowhere as they circles around them. The child didn't seem perturbed about the noises of the sirens around her. A policeman walks towards the young girl as he pulls the young girl away from her mother.

"No... No! No!" She cried as she saw how the police separates them, child. She was about to run but beneath her bare feet, she felt something caught between her toes. It was a stone, she took it and was about to throw it away with her eyes streaming with tears when the light came and swallowed her up.

"Jennie! Jennie! Wake up!"

She scrunched her eyes at the bright light that was seeping through her closed eyelids. She felt powerless and heavy. Her body seemed to be paralyzed for she cannot move her hand, her head, and her body. She slowly blinks, desperately trying to open her eyes and see what's around her. As blinding light subsides, her sight zoomed in and her visions started to get clear.

She saw Jisoo.

"Jennie... Oh my God, you are awake!" She was holding both of Jennie's arms. She has been shaking her body to wake her up from her nightmares. The stark smell of bleach was overwhelming. Jennie knows that she was currently at the Hospital.

"Unnie.." Her voice drops into a whisper, without strength.

"Hold on." Jisoo supported Jennie as she sits. She was still having a hard time controlling her body since it still was stiffed. Once she finally sat comfortably, Jisoo sat on the chair that's near the hospital bed. She crossed her arms and stared at her, "You are having nightmares again."

"What happened?" Her head needled in pain but she endured it too well. She was avoiding the subject that Jisoo just came up with because she didn't like being told that she was having it again, nightmares.

"Uh, the doctor said you are going to be fine, sooner. He told me that you have consumed a drug that almost shuts your system down." Jisoo said. Jennie nods her head, she toured her eyes around just to examined the place. Her eyes sparkled with grief, she remembered something.

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