Chapter 004 | The Cards of Fate

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Namaste Haeundae Restaurant

"Namaste!" The waiter's greetings were full of vim and vigor, he sets down the dishes upon the polished wood table. A quiet odd of presentation in their dishes to which they are serving Korean foods rather to what dishes of their country originally serves.

There are numerous people taking orders and eating inside, which provides less noise of chattering behind the environment. Lisa completely preferred the atmosphere, she doesn't like overcrowded people that produce several disturbances for she wasn't liking the noises of her outside faculties.

It's disturbing.

The waiter left them with his dismissive smile and Chaeyoung finally held the chopsticks to dig in the bowl of Jajangmyeon.

"Let's take a recoup of our delayed conversation, so what is it again?" Seulgi fixed her attention towards Lisa, who currently chews the bits of Tofu Kangjung which she probably tasted in the earliest of her time.

"You want a date?" Seulgi reiterated. Chaeyoung breaks from devouring her food push the bowl and leans her back against the straight-backed chair.

Lisa dabs the napkin on her lips, "Yeah."

"And the following of that is already marriage proposal?" Seulgi pushed through. Her curiosity is enough to create confusion about Lisa's sudden remark.

"Yeah," Lisa answered. She slowly sips the glass of champagne while deliberately focusing down on her drink.

"And what's the matter why do you want a spouse already?" Seulgi drops another question to satisfy her quench of curiosity.

Chaeyoung can feel Lisa's trouble so instead of rooting for Seulgi's exploration. She decided to click her tongue and speak before Lisa can able to answer the question, "Seulgi, can you please quit asking Lisa? You are not helping her."

Seulgi lifted her hands in surrender, "Okay, okay, sorry. I was just curious."

"My father wants me to get married as soon as possible," Lisa said. She didn't want to hide it from her friends for they deserve to know the truth.

Chaeyoung gasped, "Waeyo?"

Seulgi flung her arms over her friend's nape and murmured to her, "Buddy, you didn't tell me right away but you are lucky that I have brought my cards."

She pulls back and brings out a card deck containing black cards. Lisa shifted her gaze into it, "A tarot card?"

Chaeyoung chuckled as she was looking at Seulgi, "Never been I thought of you being a fortune teller, Seulgs."

Seulgi groaned and just pretended that she didn't hear what Chaeyoung said. Lisa was silently looking at the cards as Seulgi shakes the card deck slightly, " the card that represents every girl that I've dated inside the campus. Since I have a hard time recalling their names, I asked for my butler to find a Card Maker to create me a sequel card. This is like a list but the difference is, their names are engraved in each card."

"What the?..." Chaeyoung trails off, "Aren't you getting any creepier? It's like you are practicing black religions cult."

Seulgi hushed her up, "Shut up, Chae... You are just exaggerating your words but anyway..." She returns to Lisa, "Please select three cards to pull out one by one and then read their names after you flip it." Seulgi shuffles the cards and spreads them out. Lisa stared at her, she slowly pulls one card first and flips it, "Irene."

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