Chapter 006 | The Confrontation

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Jisoo was sleeping on the scarred cemented flooring with her unconscious state of mind. Having a trip to Candy Land with diapers on wouldn't help her situation especially if she's detached from the reality wherein she was being locked up in the county prison where most of the criminals are sent into. Surely, no Fairy Godmother will emerge out of nowhere. Well, except for her fantasy dream. If she ever found herself being in a piggery state and a fairy godmother idea popped out all of a sudden, definitely the idea will drive her nuts!

The place is quite eerie, sinister, and more than that, it can be described as a place for those hippies who are smoking weeds for pleasure. The room was lighted by a single light bulb affixed from the white ceiling. Around the corners of the ceiling, four security cameras monitor the prison inside. Jisoo will probably gonna die in a diaper while having a trip to Candy Land.

A bucket of water was splashed over Jisoo, making her body squirm in a shiver. Her trip to Candy Land was terminated and she was knocked out from her fantasy dream of being in a wide state of consciousness. She wiped out the excess water from her face and stared at the person in front of her, "Seulgi?"

"You are awake."

"And, who do you expect to be not awakened by a cold water?" She hold herself up and toured her eyes around the room.

"What's this? Piggery mental state of rehabilitation?"

Seulgi blows a snort, "You are considering this as a place for domestic swine raise? Are you sober?"

"Look who's talking here. You abducted me and bring me to a prison which happens to be least hospitable."

Seulgi groaned, "Stop complaining. It doesn't suit you."

"As if I'm suited here." Jisoo gestures her arms around.

"Shut up, you talk a lot." Seulgi throws a piercing look. Their eyes were shifted from the door when it swings open, it revealed Park Chaeyoung clutching a laptop beside her. She's clothed in an antique gold swing coat with dark high waist pants matched with her combat boots. She tucked her chin near her chest, "Greetings to you all."

"Finally! Thought you would be ditching me again." Seulgi rolled her eyes.

"Have we met before?" Jisoo tilted her head with her squinting eyes. She's scanning Chaeyoung's general appearance.

Chaeyoung yields a curt hum, "Kim Jisoo?"

Her lips parted in shock, "You know me?"

"Your nameplate says it all." Chaeyoung pushed out her lips to point out the nameplate adhered over her blazer. Jisoo look at herself and came into a sudden realization, "Oh, sorry."

"No biggie. By the way, I'm C.O Park Chaeyoung." Chaeyoung stretched out her hand.

"Kim Jisoo." She takes her hand and they shook it off before separating their hands away.

"So, could it be possible that I am here for a sort of reason or I am here as a replacement of those former hippies?" Jisoo asked. Seulgi clicks her tongue, "Can you stop persisting on that I set you inside the prison for domestic swine raise or a replacement as of those hippies either way?"

"Stop it, Seulgi." Chaeyoung glared at her friend. Seulgi stepped aback and just placed her arms across her chest acting like a nine-year-old kid being scolded for stealing candies.

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