Chap.5 - How Are You Feeling?

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Your P.O.V.

"Mrs. Gio said that I am really good with (school subjects)", I told Grandpa and Legosi.

"Really, well that's good, (y/n)", Grandpa said as we crossed the street.

"Did you make any new friends?", Legosi asked.

A flash of Su's friends faces came across my mind.

"Yep, I make lots of friends", I said happily.

"Really!", his tail wagged.

"Yep, you also have to make lots of friends Legosi", I reminded him.

He just nodded.

"(y/n), if anything like this happens again, just be more careful, alright", I look up to Grandpa to see him smiling but I could tell that he is serious.

"Like I said, Grandpa, I'll be careful, your not the only one who has to remind me", I said remembering Melon.

"Let's pass by the grocery store to make dinner, how about we eat (favorite food), today", Legosi and me cheered as we all happily walked to the grocery store.

The Next Morning...

I woke up and look at the time, it was 5:39pm.

As I stood up, my head started hurting that I sat back down on my bed.

I look over Legosi to see his peaceful face sleeping soundly.

My body felt tense but then relaxed when I saw my little brother.

I stood and slowly walked out to the kitchen.

My mind just keeps flashing to what happen yesterday, the bullies, Su, her friends, Melon.

Why did they look disgusted by me?

Why is Melon being bullied?

These questions have been bothering me since yesterday, and I couldn't sleep because of them.

I got myself a cup of water, as I was drinking I hear light but rough footsteps.

"Why are you up so early", I turned around to see Grandpa.

"I couldn't sleep", I said putting my cup on the counter.

"Let me guess, not a great first day of school?"

"No, I was great", I said smiling the best that I could.

"Don't try to lie to me, your grandma did the exact same thing when she has something in her mind."

"How was grandma like?", I asked trying to change the subject.

"I can tell you that another time, first, why don't you tell me what is bothering you", he sat down on the couch and patted for me to sit down.

I sighed as I took a sit next to him.

"How did you hear me come out of my room?"

"Your mother actually heard you and just knock on my wall, I walked put and I heard the water running", he said.

"So what is your little mind think about?", he asked.

"I-I am just confused, Melon told me so much about school being boring and fun but-"

"It didn't turn out that way?"

"No, it was fun and boring in the beginning but I don't understand, why Melon is being bullied."

"(y/n), remember 4 years ago, when people looked at us strangely", he said hold my hand.

"Yes, but Melon did nothing wrong, so why?", I said feeling tears being formed.

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