Chap.7 - Are We Still Friends?

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3rd P.O.V.

Melon's heart drop at the words that just came out of (y/n)'s mouth.

How did she find out, unless-

"It's not true, right?", his thoughts were interrupted by her voice.

"(y/n), listen-"

"It's just a rumor, there are many of those about you but are all lies", (y/n) said hoping that it is false.

"(y/n), I think it is ti-"

"Like the rumor that you killed your mother, those were lies, you seemed shocked when it happened", she interrupted him again.

More like relieved, he sighed.

"Melon, it's just a rumor, not true?", Melon looks into her (e/c) eyes, he saw how stressed she is.

Melon walked closer to her, while (y/n) had her head down.

"*sighs*(y/n), I made a promise to myself and Gosha that I will protect you, no matter what", he put his hand on her cheek to make her look up at him.

"I didn't what your smile, your warmth to go away and disappear."

"But it wouldn't-"

"It would! Even if it seems for others but to me, your family will know", Melon looks right into (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes, debating if he should just let himself go and tell her everything about Tora, his mother death, his feelings.

But them again he fears of what would happen afterwards, what kind of reaction will she give.

Would she leave him, or will she stay?

"Melon, please tell me the truth", Melon snap from his train of thoughts to (y/n)'s voice.

Melon's eyes sadden of the possibility of losing his only friend, the only one who would always be there for him.

He sat down on the bench and placed his bag next to him.

"She hurt you so badly that you couldn't come to school for almost 2 weeks, and all she was going to get was suspension."

"They gave be 2 weeks to recover, but I was alright", she kneeled in front of him.

"No, you weren't when I visited you, you would attempt to walk but quickly seat back down, your legs were shaking, even after you came back to school."


"(y/n), I care for you and just seeing you get hurt in any way, shape or form, it hurts me as much", he hid his face with his hands.

"I care for you as well, and I see where you are coming from but beating her almost half to death, is just too much", she moved Melon's hands from his face and placed hers on his cheeks.

As he looks into her eyes, he sees sadness, worry, and fear.

"As much as I would have hoped for it to be a lie, but it's the truth", she choked out.

"Melon, your my best friend, I would do anything to be with you, to be by your side, even though a part of me is sadden that you hurt someone, but the other part of me is somewhat happy."

"Happy?", he questioned as his faced showed confusion.

"Happy to see that you really care for me so much", she lays her forehead on his.

Melon was shocked but relief.

"But do promise me that you won't go as far as to hurting someone, I really care for you and I don't want to think of what you had to go through after hurting Tora."

"They never found out", Melon looked away.

"What do you mean? How does the school know?"

"Like you said it was a 'rumor', but Kate saw me do it, she told but since it looked like a accident, there wasn't enough  proof and you know Kate's reputation is queen of rumors", Melon started relaxing himself, letting himself go.

"You can say that, Tora didn't know it was me."

"But Kate said she knew", (y/n) is confused of the situation.

"If you like we can see Tora, last I heard she is able to walk."

"I don't get it?"

"I know what I did was wrong, but I don't want to lose you, so let me show all the right I did after the accident", he smiled.

"You promise?"

"I promise", he hugged her tightly.


"So what?", she pulled away to look at him.

"Are we still friends?"

As time pass, the leaves change color as the years goes by.

As Melon and (y/n) grow older, so does their feelings for each other.

And next thing you know, they created life.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Here you go Mr. Yong, you take care", I said to a regular customer of ours.

"Thank you dearie, you tell your young boy I miss him", the old deer said.

"I'll make sure to tell him", I smiled.

I'm 23 and work at a café called, Little Rose.

Life's been good and peaceful, I wouldn't want it any other way.

"(y/n), your shift is almost over if you just wanna clean up a bit before you go", my manager said.

I just said ok and cleaned up the area a bit for the next rush.

"Hello, hello, I am here to set you free from this hell that is upon us", I turned around to see my co-worker, Blanca.

She is a beautiful snow leopard, her ice blue eyes looking at mine.

"Thanks B, I got to get going, there is just a customer waiting on fresh coffee", I let her know before heading  out.

"No worries, say hi to the little fellows for me and don't forget about the party this weekend."

I just smiled and waved as I punched out.

As I got to my apartment, I heard little giggles and footsteps running around.

I slowly opened the door to be jumped by my bundles of joy.



-Author's Note-

It's been a while and I'm back with more, sorry its been like 3 years but I'm still breathing, imma try my best to continue this story to it's end. I hope you all enjoyed it. :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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