Chap.4 - Are You Ok?

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Leano's P.O.V.

As I lay on my bed remember about what happen to one of my babies 4 years ago, I couldn't help but to feel sad and guilty.

But I knew that the time will come when (y/n) will be able to convince me.

Tomorrow will be her first day of school, Legosi is 5 now and so far he looks normal, I'm sure he will be able to defend his sister when the time comes.

"I'm just worried about her being a outcast", I said to myself as I look up at the ceiling.

I then covered myself up in my blanket as I felt my eyes feel heavy and drifted off to sleep.

3rd P.O.V.

Morning came along, it was a lovely day today.

The sun was out with a clear blue sky.

Gosha was up first to make breakfast for Legosi and (y/n) and save some on the side for Leano.

Legosi woke up after and look up to see his sister still asleep.

He adorably stood up and walked his way to (y/n)'s bed.

When he got there, he slowly started to poke her cheek.

"Wuke up", he said.

(y/n) eyes fluttered opened as she stared at her brother.

"Good morning, Legosi", a 9 year old (y/n) said, rubbing her eyes awake.

She stand up and started to change herself and Legosi, she then hold his hands and headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

"(y/n), are you ready for today?", Gosha asked her.


"How could you forget, today your going to school", he said putting the plates of food on the table.

"School?", it took (y/n) a few seconds to understand what is going on until it clicked in her.

"School, I'm Going Outside!", she quickly headed back in her room to get in some clothes that are nice and her backpack that was under her bed.

"She seems happy, don't you think Legosi", Gosha said.

He shook his head up and down and got to eating.

When (y/n) got out of her room, well dressed and her backpack in hand.

She looked at her mothers door, she walked up to it and knocked hoping she is awake.


Leano stood up from her bed, she couldn't sleep last night, she couldn't stop worrying about this very day.

"Yes (y/n)", she said and she sat in front of the door.

"I am almost leaving to school", (y/n) said putting her hand on the door.

"Are you excited?", Leano asked.

"Yep but I'm also nervous, in a good way", she said assuring her mother that she is not scared.

"Just be careful, if something happens, you could tell us", Leano said putting her hand through a hole in the door and patted her daughter's head and then lightly touched her left ear.

"Don't worry mom, I'm strong and one day you will see that they will accept us", (y/n) said holding her mother's hand.

"(y/n), hurry up and eat up, we have to leave soon!", Gosha said.

"Coming, I'll tell you everything that happens when I come back", with that she left to eat.

"Legosi, want to come with me to drop off (y/n)?", Gosha asked him.

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