Chap.1 - Are You Like Me?

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Leano's P.O.V.

I sat on the couch staring out in the night sky. Tonight the night sky was gorgeous and it felt more lively. 

I then heard a soft knock on my bedroom door.

"Yes?" I said getting up and getting closer to the door.

"Leano you should head to bed soon, it is already late," father said.

"I know but I don't know I just feel uneasy, what if something happens to her like before, I'm just worried how others will treat her," I said almost in break of tears.

I looked at a picture of my beautiful children.

You see I have two wonderful children, with my first birth, I accidentally got pregnant with a lovely daughter. 

She is a bundle of joy, she looked like a normal gray wolf which I was happy, her name is (y/n). 

But when she was only two, I saw a few scales appearing on the tips of her ears. 

I was shaken up by it, I told my father and I decided it would be best to keep her inside the house and to not let her out, I know what I did was wrong but I wanted to protect her.

*Flashback - 4 years ago*

(y/n) was 5 and Legosi was almost one. 

Thankfully Legosi turned out normal but I hope it stays that way, so that he can care and defend his sister. 

Even though (y/n) absolutely loves her ears and I see how she just embraces it, I'm sometimes jealous of my own daughter for having such love for them. 

But I was happy and hoped that society wouldn't break my precious daughter.

But one day something lovely happened that gave me hope that (y/n) will be alright, or so I thought.

It happened when the trees changed from green to orange...

It was a lovely day, there were no clouds in the sky and the breeze felt so nice.

That afternoon, my father was about to go out to get groceries but right when he was about to leave, (y/n) stopped him and asked him if she could go with him.

"Leano, I'll be right back," he said putting on his jacket.

"Can you buy some tofu? I'm planning to cook today," I said heading to sit on the couch to get little Legosi cleaned up.

"Alrighty," he said but right as he was going to open the door, (y/n) stopped him and asked him.

"Can I come with you Grandpa?"

He quickly looked at me and I just looked at (y/n).

I saw that she had small tears threatening to fall down.

I smiled and stood up, I went inside of my room and dug into my wardrobe. I came out and handed her a beanie.

"If you wear this and you promise me that you will never and I mean never take it off, alright?"

Her eyes shimmered with glee and had a big smile plaster on her face.

"Yes mommy, I promise that I will never take it off," she said then quickly put her beanie on, her shoes and jacket.

"Let's go Grandpa!"

My father looked at me with a smile.

"I'll make sure she will be fine," he said reassuring me.

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