Chap.3 - Will I Be Able To See Her Again?

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Days past and the season has changed from a breezy fall to a chilly winter.

(y/n) and Melon's relationship grew, they became best of friends.

Melon has come over to her home multiple times.

It's winter so that only means that Rexmas is coming soon.

Melon was out looking to get something for (y/n) and of course her family as well.

While Gosha and (y/n) were out buying groceries for tonight's dinner.

But whoever knew that from all the lovely nights, this one was darker.

Melon's P.O.V.

I was out looking around in every shop looking for something that will make (y/n) smile.

'Lately I've been only thinking about her, my mind could not miss a second without thinking about her. Is it because we are alike?'

I thought to myself as I bought something for Legosi. 

I got him a little green car, it's nothing fancy, it is just a normal regular toy car.

'Good thing I saved up a bit of money to get them gifts, they have been so kind to me.'

As I was looking around to finally pick out the perfect gift for (y/n), in the corner of my eye I saw something that sparked a memory with her.

"She will love that," I said quietly to myself.

As I went inside the store, there was many carnivores and herbivores around doing their late Christmas shopping.

I went to get the necklace it looked very pretty and it was for a affordable price.

Then I look around to get something for her mom.

Even though I rarely see her, I should at least get her something.

I look around and found a pretty bracelet.

As I walked up to the cashier I notice that they were staring at someone who was making a commotion in the store.

"Excuse me, I will like to buy these", I said placing the jewelry on the counter, as I got her attention.

"Oh sure, are these for your mom?"

"No they are for a friend", I said in a plain tone taking out my money.

"Well you must really care for your friend, this stone is a Agate, it represents acceptance of oneself and truth", she said handing me the necklace in a box.

"And this gem is spinal, it represents hope, realization and feeling of joy of  being alive", she said handing me the bracelet in a box then taking my money.

"I never knew that, I just thought that they looked pretty", I said amazed that they have great meaning.

"Everything has a meaning, like you and me", she said giving me a bag and a receipt.

'I have meaning', I thought as I walked out of the store.

I walked into the next store which was a clothing store, I wanted to get Gosha something nice that he could wear, he is a nice man.

As I looked around, I saw a nice jacket that will for sure suit him.

I paid for it and walked out the store happy about the gifts I got for them.

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